Any Porcupine Tree fans?

|ngenius said:
@Mare: Regarding Collective Soul, I saw them once in a video where they were playing in the streets, in a can't-remember-the-name arabic city. I liked that, but I tried something else from their beginnings and didn't reach me at all. Any suggestions?


I would recommend DOSAGE by Collective Soul.
|ngenius said:
@Mare: I felt a bit disappointed when first heard new's Frameshift, I loved the first one with La Brie at vocals, but this new one seemed different, less fresh, less imaginative.

Besides, I love Skid Row's "Slave To The Ground", but Sebastian Bach on his own makes his voice sound less clear... somehow dirtier and I found it hard to apply to this new Frameshift album. Maybe it just needs some spinning before getting used to it, but I remember the first contact with Frameshift and that was touching.

Which one do you prefer?

Regarding Collective Soul, I saw them once in a video where they were playing in the streets, in a can't-remember-the-name arabic city. I liked that, but I tried something else from their beginnings and didn't reach me at all. Any suggestions?


I hope PapaJim's recommendation works for you on Collective Soul as I don't really know anything about them. As far as Frameshift goes....

Which one do I prefer? That is a tough call. I agree that upon first listen, I thought Unweaving the Rainbow was brilliant. After one spin of Absence of Empathy, I was equally impressed.

In general, I am a casual fan of Bas and a HUGE fan of LaBrie, so it was natural for me to love the first Frameshift, even before I really got into the album and appreciated its magnificence. Absence, though, is stunning as well. The vocals - and the music - are louder, coarser, sometimes even grating - but that perfectly evokes the subject matter at hand. I can clearly visualize the tortured one in This is Gonna Hurt and the betrayed lover in I Killed You and these are just two examples. Honestly, I was surprised how much I like Absence. I think it is just as incredible as Unweaving even though the subject metter is a bit more common (violence vs. genetic engineering.)

To give a true answer I will have to put Unweaving the Rainbow back in the CD player for a view spins, because right now I can't say which one I prefer!!

Cheers! :Spin:
PapaJimH said:
I would recommend DOSAGE by Collective Soul.

Thank you so much, I'll give it a try and will come back to drop my impressions.

@Mare: Uhmm... well, I think you're right, one has to consider the conceptual meaning of the album to really evaluate if the vocals and this different sound actually fits, a consequent and very necessary aspect I left aside. But now I think that it is precisely the new subject, darker and rather bitter, which makes me feel disappointed in the end, not the music itself. However, I'm gonna come back to the album and give it another chance.

Btw, now that we are talking about other bands, I would like to recommend something that impressed me quite a lot, recently. The band is called "Alias Eye", I think they are... swedish or some place over north-Europe, but the singer is native american, and they've released two albums so far.

The first one "Fields of Names", doesn't sound that good to me, but the second one totally caught me in its spell. It's called "A Different Point Of You" and I think it's AWESOME, great vocals, great melodies, so fresh that sometimes makes me feel like the first time I heard "Unweaving the Rainbow". I ordered it right away through their main web site at a very reasonable price.

Once again, I'm not swedish, nor have anything to do with the band, but I like to share this with you guys. Here you can find some reviews from the fans (including the one I wrote there):

And here you can download some samples and order the album, if you're interested:

(I think the best song is "Your Other Way", though, you listen to that track and you can't stop listening to the CD!!).

Hope you like it!!!
I love porcupine tree and anathema, I wish these bands would come to new zealand haha despite the chances of that being 1 in a million I would be there in a second.
I saw Porcupine Tree at Irving Plaza, NYC recently. They had several strong points. First the surreal movie playing behind them was really interesting, visually arresting, and it went along with the music perfectly. Secondly, they are, as any band of their type should be, very tight live. Thirdly, they played tunes from many albums rather than just their latest. Their only weakness was the fact that you can tell they their studio recordings have a beefed up sound which they don't recreate live. I was happy to see them finally. :p
Saying PT is UK's answer to Collective Soul is a huge stretch (IMO). I am a fan of C Soul but less of one now, than before. They are doing nothing to "progress" from there typical 3 min 20 sec pop song. It just riff, verse, then big chorus. PT's writing is waaay more ambitious (though quite often for me I don't care for it).

With that said, Dosage is a great record. And, if they released a new record tomorrow I would go out and get it.
My first Porcupine Tree cd was Signify, which I bought a few months ago. I really like it. About a week ago, I bought On the Sunday of Life, which I also enjoy, but to a lesser extent, mainly because it was very early stuff when the band hadn't taken a specific direction. But the standout song is Radioactive Toy. That is a really cool song.

I'll buy more for sure.

As far as Collective Soul, I have Disciplined Breakdown which I like. It's one of my "sure thing" CDs.
|ngenius said:
Thank you so much, I'll give it a try and will come back to drop my impressions.

@Mare: Uhmm... well, I think you're right, one has to consider the conceptual meaning of the album to really evaluate if the vocals and this different sound actually fits, a consequent and very necessary aspect I left aside. But now I think that it is precisely the new subject, darker and rather bitter, which makes me feel disappointed in the end, not the music itself. However, I'm gonna come back to the album and give it another chance.

Btw, now that we are talking about other bands, I would like to recommend something that impressed me quite a lot, recently. The band is called "Alias Eye", I think they are... swedish or some place over north-Europe, but the singer is native american, and they've released two albums so far.

The first one "Fields of Names", doesn't sound that good to me, but the second one totally caught me in its spell. It's called "A Different Point Of You" and I think it's AWESOME, great vocals, great melodies, so fresh that sometimes makes me feel like the first time I heard "Unweaving the Rainbow". I ordered it right away through their main web site at a very reasonable price.

Once again, I'm not swedish, nor have anything to do with the band, but I like to share this with you guys. Here you can find some reviews from the fans (including the one I wrote there):

And here you can download some samples and order the album, if you're interested:

(I think the best song is "Your Other Way", though, you listen to that track and you can't stop listening to the CD!!).

Hope you like it!!!

Hi |ng - after 30-45 seconds in the CD player, my vote goes for the first one - Unweaving the Rainbow! While I think the overall musicality and even the production of the second one is a shade better, I must admit I will pick LaBrie over Bas. Bas is wonderful, and takes his voice in many directions on Absence, but I'll take LaBrie. Solely, this is personal preference!!:grin:

As for Alias Eye - funny you mention them - saw them last year at ROSFest and they didn't do a whole lot for me. They weren't bad, but they didn't light up the place either. On your recommendaiton though I will pick up their new one and give it a spin too!:wave:

I need to check that out Mare. I am big fan of James myself and have not heard this one, sounds great.

As for the Tree I am gonna see em tomorrow night at the Fillmore with Fripp in SF. It should be awesome, I will be checking it out with my friend Mr Craddick.

Looking forward to seeing the visuals on the screen, and hearing all the cool licks these guys fit perfectly into the mix. I am really loving this disc along with Riverside out of myself they are constantly in my player.

Alias Eye are really cool guys we played with them in April it was great.

Hey Ed,

How was the concert last night?? I'm kicking myself--just couldn't make a middle-of-the-work-week gig. :erk: But I'm totally into the new album--it's quite amazing.
:grin: Can't wait to hear your 'review' of the show!

Hey Kristin

Hey it is always the middle of the week for the great bands it seems, especially in the city. I think they hit LA on the weekends.

I have missed a few shows because of this. But selling out the Fillmore opn a Wed night is more than impressive, and it was a very good show. The background screen really adds to then totally cool vibe these guys create. The combo of a kick ass groove centered by great licks ( totally tight ) and then the breaks and atmospheric parts works perfectly for me. They are for sure not your typical noodly prog act. Just mellow andd steady. I really love this band and what they do, create. Its not about a bunch of notes just solid grooves and great hooks. The guitar tone was amazing, the soundman had them dialed in the second tune.

The Fillmore is my favourite venues in the city. It was really great. I am sure they will be back because they are doing so well right now. I guess they are actually co headlining Bospop or some huge festival in Holland, not bad.

PT is a great band and solid and tight as hell

I was lukewarm before on them, but have become a big fan.

..gonna throw my five cents in here too... well I love the Blackfield CD it is definetely a nice pop piece for relaxing and easy listening... planning on getting the In Absentia CD down the road.
Now another band you guys definetely got to check out is Andromeda - Extension of the wish... that is a great album, well a couple years old, dunno if you guys already know them but it is definetely worth a shot....

peace out
ebass said:
Hey Kristin

Hey it is always the middle of the week for the great bands it seems, especially in the city. I think they hit LA on the weekends.

I have missed a few shows because of this. But selling out the Fillmore opn a Wed night is more than impressive, and it was a very good show. The background screen really adds to then totally cool vibe these guys create. The combo of a kick ass groove centered by great licks ( totally tight ) and then the breaks and atmospheric parts works perfectly for me. They are for sure not your typical noodly prog act. Just mellow andd steady. I really love this band and what they do, create. Its not about a bunch of notes just solid grooves and great hooks. The guitar tone was amazing, the soundman had them dialed in the second tune.

The Fillmore is my favourite venues in the city. It was really great. I am sure they will be back because they are doing so well right now. I guess they are actually co headlining Bospop or some huge festival in Holland, not bad.

PT is a great band and solid and tight as hell

I was lukewarm before on them, but have become a big fan.


Hey Ed, you probably ment Graspop, Belgium it is on right now with a huge line up including DT
( for Info.... :p

Peace out ;)
Yeah thats it, oops, you have so many great festivals in Europe and we get Ozzfest? bummer?

Wish we were there! Danny get in Absentia, and yes I need to check out Andromeda and Blackfield for sure!
Ed, you need to get the debut CD from Andromeda it is great you will love it.
Sorry about the festival mix up thx for clearing it up Paul, though I have never heard of Bospop... or whatever...hard to remember all those festival names all over Europe... (getting old .. I guess haha)

Peace out
Danny ;o)