any seattle fans?


Aug 30, 2001
Dark Tranquillity, one of my all time favorites. I even have some lyrics from Skywards tattooed on my arms and back. Anyone else from around here dig these guys?
If you can get a picture of your tattoo, you should send it to Niklas and he will put it up on the official DT-page.

Mine is there already. :cool: (although the lightning is too bright and the angle of the pic makes it look a bit weird)

Left arm says "Hear me" and my right arm says "See Me" and across the top of my back, just below my neck, it says "Forever one with myself"

Maybe I'll have my girlfriend take some pictures.
6 years later. I took these pics right after I got them... I don't know why I never posted them here haha.



For some reason I never took a pic of the other arm.
This reminds me of the "pretty soon" undying joke...

Nice tats, Shpongled. Dare i say it was worth the wait? :p
Well I've had em since I made this thread back in the day. I didn't really wait for them, when I decided I wanted them, I went and got em. Fortunately I still like them 6 years later haha.