any suggestions of things you want to see this year at the fest?


Sep 30, 2005
This isnt a thread for asking for certain bands and stuff. Just a feeler for things you would like to see at the fest.

for example.

- more vinyl record raffles
- vendors and what types....shirts? CD's? clothes?

any suggestions?
Raffles are cool, as in addition to potentially winning something, it provides entertainment between bands.

I said it before, I think having a charismatic MC goes a long way, and helps keep the feeling of a "festival"

I mean, we all love Odin, but let's be honest. He is no Johnny Carson.

As corny as it might be, festivals back in the day would bring in C level celebrities for meet n Greets.
This would include actors, porn stars, wrestlers, etc.

I mean, how cool would it be to see Shok Paris, and afterwards get KoKo B Ware's autograph???
problem is that they cost lots of money for an MC and there is a lack of space at Reggies already. Even with 4 or 5 vendor tables...the balcony and entrance hallway is filled. Not including all the bands selling stuff. I am thinking having the side stage bands sell thier stuff in that room.

There is going to be a raffle for sure. Mike posted the Ashbury vinyl for teh auction.
I mean, how cool would it be to see Shok Paris, and afterwards get KoKo B Ware's autograph???

Not as cool as you might think!

I've never seen a good festival MC. Always makes me cringe to watch. Maybe the South just isn't blessed....a certain Mouth would be a cool MC at a fest in these parts.

Vendors are a huge bonus. I don't know what the vendor situation is like at Ragnarokkr but they are obviously a huge hit with attendees and can also help bring in a little cash for the organizers with a small and reasonable vending fee.

Maybe a dunk tank where people try their luck soaking Bob.
I suggested a "Punch in the Stomach" booth to have Odin in there. 2 bucks to sock him in the belly. Five bucks to the face.

I agree...MC's can make or break it. You really need someone with charisma and knows thier stuff. If not it turns into people just yelling dumb stuff. I know Mike looked into it already and the people who he was interested in costed more than almost all the bands.

The raffle is always fun. It lightens the mood and lets people yell and get excited. Just needs to be better organized than last years.

Mike would make a mint with a "bob dunking booth" but there would have to be alligators or sharks in the water.
problem is that they cost lots of money for an MC

I am certainly not suggesting a "celebrity" MC, but someone who is energetic and has a charismatic personality. Nathan "SwordLord" Block at Chicago Powerfest instantly comes to mind.

Heck, even someone like JP from Borrowed Time would be a good pick.

Basically, someone who is always "on" and likes to perform, and would do it out of the love for the festival (IE - for free).

Carmine Blades can do it with his Michael Jackson red leather jacket.

Worse case, we can get Dave...
"Ladies and's another band that sucks" LOL
Paging Palabra de Dios.....Palabra de Dios to the RMA board....

I do think a MC would help move things along someone to keep the pace going so it isnt just a band playing...15 minutes...another band playing....15 minutes...another band playing. Hopefully Mike can work some magic and maybe find someone who could do this. They could also do the raffle on stage as well. I think Carmine and JP would both be good...almost swap out every other slot.
Yeah, I think there are enough potentials who would do it for nothing, plus just like the extra exposure.
Something else to market for themselves and their respective bands.

My #1 Vote though would be Mr David "F 'em if they ain't German" Ritzlin
SKR and Sentinel are both definitely on my radar and ones i've already had in mind.

However, I will not invite CDINZANE due to personal conflicts and the countless stories i've read online about Zane.

But lets try to get some variety of distros as well, we dont need 3 distro (me, SKR, Sentinel) who all mainly deal with the true metal scene. SKR is pretty varied but is their anyone else?
SKR and Sentinel are both definitely on my radar and ones i've already had in mind.

However, I will not invite CDINZANE due to personal conflicts and the countless stories i've read online about Zane.

But lets try to get some variety of distros as well, we dont need 3 distro (me, SKR, Sentinel) who all mainly deal with the true metal scene. SKR is pretty varied but is their anyone else?

good luck...I have tried all those in the past and none wanted to come.