Any virgins this year?

This will be my 3rd Progpower to attend but I am bringing my wife for the 1st time. She is totally pumped. She has heard enough from me that she cant take it any longer. She demanded to go this time. haha....

Hell will officially freeze over before I'll get my wife to come! She's too much of a Kelly Clarkson, Dixie Chicks, and Shakira fan! :lol: I like kidding her about it too!

Hell will officially freeze over before I'll get my wife to come! She's too much of a Kelly Clarkson, Dixie Chicks, and Shakira fan! :lol: I like kidding her about it too!


yeah, same here my brother, except replace Kelly Clarkson with Howard Jones and replace Shakira with Poison - specifically C.C. Deville. :rolleyes:

If Glenn ever had a mental breakdown and put together an all 80's hair band show - Poison, Cinderella, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, - my wife would be on the front row the whole show! :lol: ...except when C.C. wasn't dragging her around by his feet. :goggly:
yeah, same here my brother, except replace Kelly Clarkson with Howard Jones and replace Shakira with Poison - specifically C.C. Deville. :rolleyes:

If Glenn ever had a mental breakdown and put together an all 80's hair band show - Poison, Cinderella, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, - my wife would be on the front row the whole show! :lol: ...except when C.C. wasn't dragging her around by his feet. :goggly:

:lol: I feel your pain man! :kickass:

So...hubby and I will be going to our first PP fest this year too :) I also think this is the first time I posted here, not sure though hehehe. We are driving down so this will make it an event to remember, and we got our tix at about 9:15am cst on Saturday, which makes us happy, since I can see that the tix are going pretty fast!!
Anyway can't wait to meet all of you and even see some familiar faces!!
My daughter will be attending her first ProgPower, and she can't wait to meet the people I talk so much about, and the people i miss so damn much. So everyone make her feel at home, and she will love ya forever for it, of course that will happen without even asking, you guys and gals are the greatest. She really really really wants to meet Drew and J-Dubya and Coldie and Scott, Metal and Colleen and Todd, and all the rest of you.

Aww, I'm looking forward to meeting her too. Shall I reserve a wheel chair for her as well?

And welcome to all the PP Virgins! Look forward to adding y'all to our family!

Hopefully Aki will be there, and you can't forget our Frenchy, Julien, let's hope both make it this year. It wouldn't be the same without Aki.:kickass: :kickass:
Yea I definitely hope so too - didn't win the lottery yet though so it's still looking bad :erk: That's very cool you're bringing your daughter there this year, surely would be fun to get to meet and hang out some with her too.
Not a great selection of beer in some opinions, but I'm not a beer drinker.

That is true. What my friends and I do, is bring the good respectable beer, up from South FL, in a cooler. Drink it in the hotel room, then only drink enough (for me possibly Becks or some hard liquor), at the venue, to keep the buzz going. When we run out of beer at the hotel, we go to the Kroger's down the street and can find a least a few good American (Yuengling, Bass Ale, Sam Adams or try some micro brews) or a few European ones (Spaten, Tucher, etc...).
Three fifths of Bavmorda will be making it this year. I've been going to this fest from the start. Phil, the drummer, is returning after his cherry popping from last year. This year, we will be joined by our bassist, Jose. He doesn't post on here (yet), so we should convince him that some strange initiation occurs before they can let him in. Anywho, I'm looking forward to another great fest, and I'm looking forward to it even more because I'm bringing my wonderful lady OrbWeaver with me.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Okay, so for you PP virgins, what convinced you to go this year? Or had you not heard of PP before?


I first heard of ProgPower back in 04, because of Pain of Salvation. By that time, it was too late for me to get a ticket. Then in 05, my wife was pregnant with our second child, so I didn't have the time or the money. For 06, I just forgot, taking care of an infant and a 2 year old will do that to you. The 06 line up was awesome too, I would have loved to go to that one.

So finally, I made it a point to go in 07. And the line up just backs up my decision. Really looking forward to it, and hope to make it a yearly thing. :kickass: