Any virgins this year?

My sons, ages 13 and 18, will be attending for the first time.......

that is just too cool. :cool: take it from me - you will all have the time of your lives together! :rock:

I've watched my own son - The.Lost.Hatter - grow up around ProgPower...

Patrick with a couple of the guys from Tad Morose at ProgPower USA V
Me and Patrick with Teddy of Wuthering Heights at PPUSAV
Patrick with school friends and Urban Breed at PPUSAVI
Me and Patrick with friends at PPUSAVII

and I have pictures dating back to PPUSA 2 and 3 with Patrick, but they aren't on photobucket yet.

you can't dream better memories than those shared with your family at ProgPower USA! :grin:
You, my friend Rider of Theli, will no doubt be pleased to know that my 13 year is sitting at the computer next to me playing that stupid World of Warcraft game proudly wearing his Therion shit acquired at the show in Fort Worth September 2005.

See you there!!
Josh with Tony Kakko of Sonata Arctica, Feburary 2006 in Fort Worth

Josh with Tony Kakko of Sonata Arctica, Feburary 2006 in Fort Worth


Now how small a world is this?? My wife and I were at that show and I remember seeing this photo get taken! We, too, were fortunate to have met the guys and have photos with the guys too. They were all a lot of fun!

If I knew how to insert a photo (I don't see an option to upload a photo from my PC) in these replies I'd show a rather amusing photo with Jani. Any technical wizards in the audience please sound off....
Now how small a world is this?? My wife and I were at that show and I remember seeing this photo get taken! We, too, were fortunate to have met the guys and have photos with the guys too. They were all a lot of fun!

If I knew how to insert a photo (I don't see an option to upload a photo from my PC) in these replies I'd show a rather amusing photo with Jani. Any technical wizards in the audience please sound off....

Go to Photobucket. Make an account.

Start uploading photos. Use the code they give you and paste into a post for the image to show up. This board uses the [] code not the <>
Yup. Ye olde Stinger gets his PP cherry busted (Unless Transit has other ideas.) this year. And, I am doing so in style.......with 2, ahem, Gold Badges.

Ahhhhhh, life is sweet.
For all you virgins coming this year: Friday night is usually Corset Night and I think the men might make it Kilt night as well.

Feel free to bring and wear corsets and kilts! Usually there is a group picture taken of all the ladies in the corsets, but stay tuned for more about it.


I do have a kilt, actually........
For all you virgins coming this year: Friday night is usually Corset Night and I think the men might make it Kilt night as well.

Feel free to bring and wear corsets and kilts! Usually there is a group picture taken of all the ladies in the corsets, but stay tuned for more about it.


Ladies in corsets.........:kickass:
Me in a kilt.............:Puke:

Any questions? :p
Uuuhhhhh, I don't know if what I have is an actual's sort of like one though. But I'll try and remember to bring it. Assuming Friday really IS Corset/Kilt night. :P

OF CORSET IS! :cool: heehee!

I don't see a reason why we should mess with tradition by moving Corset Day! Wear what you've got, I'm sure no one will complain :p
For all you virgins coming this year: Friday night is usually Corset Night and I think the men might make it Kilt night as well.

Feel free to bring and wear corsets and kilts! Usually there is a group picture taken of all the ladies in the corsets, but stay tuned for more about it.


sorry guys, I guess you can blame me for the kilt thing. :blush:


Regardless, I'll be wearing mine again this year on Friday night. I tell you, that was the first time I had ever worn a kilt at such a huge public function, and it was quite comfy actually. Most everyone complimented me on wearing it. And although I received a few sideways glances, those were from people who didn't frequent the forums so they had no clue. And there was maybe two negative responses all night - and I believe those were from people who weren't actually attending ProgPower.

The next night I had plenty of regulars asking me where the kilt was. LOL. So I guess I will make it my own tradition, regardless whether anyone else wants to brave the crowds with me.

Other than the Bryant-upskirt picture :zombie:, did anyone else get photos of/with me in the kilt that night? For once, my picture taking was limited because of the camera limitations. *grumble*
Assuming Friday Really is Corset night


(My camera must have been on the wrong setting)



Hoyt- Still looking for a kilt picture. I have a picture with you and me, but the kilt isn't visable. Does anyone have one with The.Lost.hatter and his armour?

(I have no idea why the pictures didn't link, I'll have to figure it out a bit later!)

Okay guys If the gals can have friday night as Corset night, then we too can have it as KILT night, Hoyt started it, and i will follow suit or should i say follow Kilt this year.