Any virgins this year?

Yes, from PPUSA VI - here and here. :kickass:

and here I am with Linda (aka rottingflesh - MIA from the forums lately) directly after I left the floor from the Therion set. Notice how goofy-ass grin I'm wearing after seeing my heroes on stage. :dopey:

should I find the pic of Metal Rose in bubble wrap? :Saint:

We need the chain maille halter, bubble wrap, then the coconut bra... Wonder what I'll do this year.

chain mail halter?

Nope, chain mail was at PPV, let me see if I can find a picture...

This picture wasn't taken at PPV, but here is the chain mail:


Kilt or not, I'm looking forward to this show.
Guess I could always wear my black leather warm is it in Atlanta in October, anyway? :flame:

It can might be comfortable for leather, or it might be 80 degrees. I'll bring a pair or three, just in case. For an extra $10 bribe, though, I'll forget to bring my PVC jeans. :lol:

Meanwhile, the venue used to be surprisingly cool, even in the concert 'bowl,' but it's been warm and stuffy for the last few years. (Per Glenn, I think this was the vocalists' general preference, since cool, dry air = scratchy throats.)
yah, hot venue = teh suck for those "stuck" in it for hours, but it's our choice to do so, and after nearly every vocalist complained about the temprature (Roy Kahn actually came out in a snow suit with a personal heater), it got kicked up a few degrees.
Yeah, it's *usually* pretty warm by most standards in ATL in October, and warmer inside the venue. Leather pants should be okay, but air them out thoroughly immediately after the show. ;) Then again, I'm married to a man who thinks wearing leather in July is a good idea. :D

We went to Disneyland Sunday. It must have been at least 95 degrees and having the fire burning the Anaheim hills wasn't helping.... We saw this kid in all his metal glory wearing his leather jacket at 1pm in that heat. :ill: I may be an ultimate metal fan, but it hot weather the leather stays at home. Which is a downfall of living in LA, I have several leather pants and coats but it really doesn't get cold enough to warrant wearing them. :cool:
yah, hot venue = teh suck for those "stuck" in it for hours, but it's our choice to do so, and after nearly every vocalist complained about the temprature (Roy Kahn actually came out in a snow suit with a personal heater), it got kicked up a few degrees.

That calls for a quick Khaan. :lol:

I remember several years ago at PP wandering from backstage up through the double doors and onto the floor in front of the stage while a band was performing, and thinking "Holy shit! It's easily 10-15 degrees cooler and drier in here than it is backstage!"
We went to Disneyland Sunday. It must have been at least 95 degrees and having the fire burning the Anaheim hills wasn't helping.... We saw this kid in all his metal glory wearing his leather jacket at 1pm in that heat. :ill: I may be an ultimate metal fan, but it hot weather the leather stays at home. Which is a downfall of living in LA, I have several leather pants and coats but it really doesn't get cold enough to warrant wearing them. :cool:

Yeah, I'm down here in San Antonio, and days where it's cool enough to wear my leather are few and far between. I've seen folks wearing jackets in 90 degree weather down here, but my Nordic blood can't take it. Guess I'll just wait till it's closer to the fest and see.
Hahaha - that Khaaaaaaaaan scene brought back memories! Haven't seen that in ages!! Well done!! :lol:

Heh, I didn't create the site.....and I'm impressed by the fact that someone has spent the money on domain registration JUST for that.

Saavik would be proud of you!!

haha, which Saavik? The better-acted Kirstie Alley version, or the Robin Curtis version? :lol:
My first ProgPower...all I can say is, I'm definitely packing my corset! It was almost an accident that I got to come, as my friend's roommate had to back out last week, but everything's fallen so nicely into place! Definitely looking forward to meeting everyone!
My first ProgPower...all I can say is, I'm definitely packing my corset! It was almost an accident that I got to come, as my friend's roommate had to back out last week, but everything's fallen so nicely into place! Definitely looking forward to meeting everyone!

This person should get a forum medal for finding an existing thread instead of starting a new one! :notworthy

See ya in a couple of days.:rock:
Leather pants should be okay, but air them out thoroughly immediately after the show. ;) Then again, I'm married to a man who thinks wearing leather in July is a good idea. :D

Welcome to my world. My boyfriend, Nick (DemonOfTheWoods), wears leather pants 7 days a week, 365 days a year. (Well ... occasionally if he feels like it he will wear camo-cargo shorts, but it's a rare occasion and not one necessarily dependent on the temperature.) But that's just him. It's not stage gear. It's not a costume. It's what he wakes up and put on every day, just like you or I would put on jeans. (He does own several pair in several colors.)
I remember the first big concert he took me too. - Poison, Cinderella, Faster Pussy Cat. (Don't laugh :loco:) The women next to us in the third row complimented us on our "outfits." Nick sitting there in his red leather pants just looked at me and said "What outfit? This is how I always dress." :lol: :rock:

We went to Disneyland Sunday. It must have been at least 95 degrees and having the fire burning the Anaheim hills wasn't helping.... We saw this kid in all his metal glory wearing his leather jacket at 1pm in that heat. :ill:
Nick even wore the leather pants during our first week long excursion together at Disney World in June. We got quite a few funny looks from some of the families there with their little kids. :lol:

My first ProgPower...all I can say is, I'm definitely packing my corset! It was almost an accident that I got to come, as my friend's roommate had to back out last week, but everything's fallen so nicely into place! Definitely looking forward to meeting everyone!

Welcome to the asylum! Glad the stars were aligned for you! This weekend will change your life. :rock: Look forward to meeting you.