Anybody Else Pick Up The Damned Things?

Just listened to the previews on Amazon. NOt really impressed. Nothing special or original - just pop punk. You can imagine Sum 41 doing it.
Just listened to the previews on Amazon. NOt really impressed. Nothing special or original - just pop punk. You can imagine Sum 41 doing it.

You don't know what you are talking about. I love Slayer and think The Damned Things is awesome. JK. The Damned Things is fucking lame Scott Ian should be ashamed of himself forming a band with that emo fag from fall out boy. Fuckin go do SOD if you want to do a side project. Leave the pop shit for fallout boyz
You don't know what you are talking about. I love Slayer and think The Damned Things is awesome. JK. The Damned Things is fucking lame Scott Ian should be ashamed of himself forming a band with that emo fag from fall out boy. Fuckin go do SOD if you want to do a side project. Leave the pop shit for fallout boyz

Yes! Change is bad! Trying out different musical styles is wrong. Being versatile is wrong. The listeners demand predictability! For god's sake, listen to the purists or be ashamed....very ashamed.

After all, we don't want another Balls to Picasso.
Just listened to the previews on Amazon. NOt really impressed. Nothing special or original - just pop punk. You can imagine Sum 41 doing it.

Yeah I am kinda dissapointed Scott went this direction. I know he wants to make money and stuff, but you kinda lose your integrity, you know? I am sure he started doing this before all the big four talk, and I bet a little bit of him inside regrets doing it now that the big four thing is going pretty good. He could have put his time into Anthrax and made them relevent like the other three are once again. Its been eight years since a Anthrax release and really, they are becoming a joke. Not that I usually agree with kerry King, but I think he was right when he said they should not have been on the bill because of the state they are in...
Don't get me wrong, I am glad Anthrax are on it. I hope the new album will be more thrash and back to the roots like the other three have done. I just don't think it is gonna happen being most of the songs were written with Dantera Nelsamo in mind. Just hope I am wrong...
Don't get me wrong, I am glad Anthrax are on it. I hope the new album will be more thrash and back to the roots like the other three have done. I just don't think it is gonna happen being most of the songs were written with Dantera Nelsamo in mind. Just hope I am wrong...

You may be my new BFF. "Dantera Nelsamo" thats fucking hilarious. That dude Dan did try his hardest to act just like Phil Anselmo on stage. His demeanor and everything was almost an exact replica of Phil. His voice though was more like John Bush. So no matter how many Phil Anselmo tactics he practiced he still never sounded like him.

None the less I am hopeful the new album will be Thrash as well. I know they went back to the studio to redo some stuff. I don't think it's going to be Thrashy like Among The Living but I think it will be a cross between POT and WCFYA
Just listen to yourself... If you'd replace "emo" with "jew" in all your posts, you'd make a good nazi.

He's now made 15 posts in this thread saying basically the same thing, all crying like a bitch about a band and record he hates. What does that tell us? It pretty much confirms my retarded goldfish without a life theory.
He's now made 15 posts in this thread saying basically the same thing, all crying like a bitch about a band and record he hates. What does that tell us? It pretty much confirms my retarded goldfish without a life theory.

He also mentions every time that it's good that Scott gets the "emo" out of him with a side project, but also wishes the side project would've been SOD or something else badass. All the ranting is boring and illogical.
He also mentions every time that it's good that Scott gets the "emo" out of him with a side project, but also wishes the side project would've been SOD or something else badass. All the ranting is boring and illogical.

And yet you still love to respond to my posts.

Yes I'd definitely rather have a new SOD album than an emo Damned Things album. But if having the damned things album out means the new Anthrax will not have any of the rock/emo/alternative elements to it then I am all for it
I find several songs catchy - not sure about it's longevity but then again it's more of a fun, quick thrill for me.

Some real echos of Thin Lizzy present in some of the riffs.
Dammed things was on the Radio in Chicago yesterday.

I've given it a couple of listens and have decided it's ok. Not bad, just not my thing.
I've still never listened to them, and have no intention of ever doing so, but I won't be telling anyone they shouldn't be listening to it. It's probably heavier than "The Blackening" anyway.