Anyone besides me thinks that GR is the best Opeth album?


New Metal Member
Feb 3, 2009
Ok, I'm new on the forum (btw hello everyone I'm Charles from Chile) and maybe you have discussed this kind of topics many many times, but anyway, I'm starting this topic because it seems most of Opeth fans think MAYH is the best Opeth album, and I'm curious about that, because for me, Ghost Reveries it's in a superlative level, followed closely by watershed (which I think is a better album from a musical-technical point of view). The mix of clean and brutal parts are just perfect, the soft stuff like atonement and isolation years just blow me up, playing ghost of perdition is like an pre-orgasm, u know. Well, I just wanna find people who understand me and fell like me about this album.

PD: sorry about my english, just learning guys.
Many people think MAYH is the best? I think that's my least favorite in its entirety... although When, April Ethereal, Demon of the Fall are amazing, but still.
I think Morningrise is their best.
Most of the people here Still Life is the best, I like Blackwater Park the most, followed by MAYH, but yeah many people will disagree with you that GR is the best.
To tell you the truth, I really liked GR from the start. Then I started liking Watershed and thought it might be better. Now I have changed opinion. I think GR is better. Nothing wrong with Watershed...well,it just feels kinda empty compared to GR and BP and SL. I don't think GR is best however. Still Life is best, followed tightly by Blackwater Park and Damnation.
its probably the cd that took longest time to get into but its been my fav for quite a long time now without changing. its got the dynamics, the beauty, the brutality, the entirety and great individual performances.
GR is an awesome, awesome album.

Still Life is objectively better because (besides production, but that's all opinions) it has everything working in its favor: The musicianship and the concept (lyrics) which together creates something really amazing. It just "feels" right all around I guess you could say, and that's what people recognized.
I can't even listen to Still Life anymore because it randomly cuts in and out of my right headphone. Why didn't they realize that it did this while they were mixing!? WHY!?
:zombie: You CAN'T? Does it affect you that much? :ill: Just ignore it like me and the rest of the world :blush:
I can make it through a song or to and be like "Yeah this is bad ass". If I notice it just once it will bother me to no end. It also doesn't help that I listen to Still Life with awesome noise cancellation. There aren't any other sounds to distract me from the terrible mixing.
What I think you're referring to by best is it being the best-produced Opeth album to date - some may say polished (as Mike as said in the past) but I think there's absolutely nothing overdone on the record - not one second pales in comparison to anything else on the record, it is in a sense, perfection. Not, per say, against other Opeth records - just a beautiful album from start to finish.
Well apparently it has to do with every person. When I listened this album, I was like "holy fucking shit, this is the fucking sound i waited all my life" haha... Anyway, I think the greatness of Opeth is that all of their albums are so different (I mean the atmosphere they transmit, of corse all of them are progresive-death-metal-whatever, except for damnation of corse) but at the same time related in a certain way, and depending of the personality of every person, you will "connect" better with one of them.