Anyone else ever?


Mar 6, 2007
Anyone else ever think every vehicle sound outside is the delivery dude/dudette when you order new gear, say, if the tracker shows it's nearby? :zombie:
The sound of door after door opening and closing, driving by... I imagine this feeling is what it's like for a crackhead waiting for their next hit.

I'm losing my mind over here. DELIVER MY GEAR ALREADY!!!

What's almost worse is - I'm away on a job out of state right now and I've ordered a few pieces of gear that are just sitting at home waiting for me.

UPS use to ring our doorbell. Not anymore.. they just make the drop and go. I swear they are like Sweetwater Ninjas or something!

Bryan, I don't know which would be worse, honestly. Knowing that any minute it'll show up or that it's already "in your possession" but still out of reach! Either way, I think for people like us, it's torture :Puke:
I was in a similar boat (until a couple hours ago)... yesterday I interviewed for a new job and expected I'd be starting later this week or even next, as that's been a common experience in the past... but, NO. Of course they wanted me to start today... low and behold I get home after my first day of work to find a consignment note saying my gear had an attempted delivery. I don't know if there's a smiley thingamabob for beating my head into a brickwall (no pun intended, or IS there) but yeah... imagine that around here somewhere.
Fast-forward through all the boring stuff of coming home and racing to the local post office and BLAM! I GOT MY GEAR SWEET MOTHER OF BUTTERY SANTA CLAUS :kickass:
Even though I picked up from the post office using a consignment note, upon checking the tracking status one last time (again, am I alone in doing this? Checking the status for a parcel code of something that I know for certain has been delivered?) I noticed the status "delivered". "Awesome news", I say to myself... out loud... for no reason... wtf... shut up, dude... focus, man, focus. Yeah so apparently (presumably) the courier/driver who attempted to deliver my jizznunk SIGNED his name to verify that the parcel had been, in fact, delivered. The only minor discrepancy would be that the consignment note card left in my mailbox said 1:30pm delivery... the digital signature says 12pm, oh and signed by someone who isn't myself.
scorpio & sjcortese, I totally understand how infuriating it'd be for a delivery person to just leave your crap at the door and not even TRY to contact you out of professionalism let alone courtesy or respect. I just wish the next time I order pizza that the dude would drop it and run. *score* haha :kickass:
This is crazy...Update to my last post.....I questioned why it took two days to travel 5 hours and looky came today. Had I left to do something it would have just been sitting outside for anyone to take.

I'm glad to see you got your gear rather than someone else! :kickass:
I didn't get any screenshots of the tracking status but come to think of it, I probably should have in case of any strange happenings. It showed that my stuff was in the city, sitting over the weekend, with an estimated delivery time of this coming Friday. I live less than 40 miles from the city, which had me stumped as to how that could take an estimated work week to travel. Unless, of course, they were going to deliver it by hand while on foot.