is this a problem for anyone else?

I see hardcore kids wearing COB shirts because they think COB is a metalcore band because the only album they ever heard was AYDY. I see scene kids wearing COB shirts and other metal shirts because its now a trend to ware shirts of bands that they have never heard of.
Hymne Til Døden;6777280 said:
I see hardcore kids wearing COB shirts because they think COB is a metalcore band because the only album they ever heard was AYDY. I see scene kids wearing COB shirts and other metal shirts because its now a trend to ware shirts of bands that they have never heard of.

dude. sounds like you need a bit of a life.
i think it's not only a prob of the correct pronouncing of the name.. i, for examlpe, come from germany, and right here it sometimes is completely the same -.- about five years ago maybe ten of all metalheads livin here knew the band, right now evry damn faggot is keepin on tellin how kewl CoB is.. i don't wanna say crap like "in the old times", or "the old albums". CoB is a pretty popular metal band right now, and it's okay evrybody knowin them. it just pisses me off that evry stupid little pussyrocker i knew from maybe a year before and always listened to kinda "silent" things like punk rock or just hard rock now tells me they always knew how kewl the CoBguys are, how impressive, and just start buyin shirts or other clothes from them, wearin their patches, but if ya at least ask them for one song, they maybe know two, three if ya got a lucky day ^^ i think u just have to know what yer tellin others, and what kind of music you stand for, if ya don't do that yer not better then all the mainstream-running guys with now own opinion.
I used to be into punk rock and rock until only about 3 years ago until I discovered In Flames which got me into the whole scandinavian thing then I found out about CoB when AYDY came out (Though shortly after I discovered Hatebreeder and FTR, AYDY probably didn't get played for a year because I was so addicted to those CoB albums).

Now I listen to anything from thrash metal, death metal, black metal to progressive. Some people just need to find out about bands and you'll be surprised how much people can change. Heck I didn't think I'd be listening to the shit I am now 4 years ago. It seems like most metal people don't want people to find out about awesome bands, they just keep them all to themselves like a secret. Which isn't a bad thing I suppose :P, I do try and get some people into metal sometimes though by recommending some easy listening metal (Like Melodic Death Metal or stuff with singing)
I used to be into punk rock and rock until only about 3 years ago until I discovered In Flames which got me into the whole scandinavian thing then I found out about CoB when AYDY came out (Though shortly after I discovered Hatebreeder and FTR, AYDY probably didn't get played for a year because I was so addicted to those CoB albums).

Now I listen to anything from thrash metal, death metal, black metal to progressive. Some people just need to find out about bands and you'll be surprised how much people can change. Heck I didn't think I'd be listening to the shit I am now 4 years ago. It seems like most metal people don't want people to find out about awesome bands, they just keep them all to themselves like a secret. Which isn't a bad thing I suppose :P, I do try and get some people into metal sometimes though by recommending some easy listening metal (Like Melodic Death Metal or stuff with singing)

yea youre pretty right, but apart from that i can imagine very well that it must be hell annoying to hear emos or 'silent' punk rockers who listen to soft(er) music saying that COB is so good and blablabla. Doh, you already know that. And already knew before they found it. To be honest, I don't really care about what others think of it, I like it and the rest can pretty fuck off with their opinions about COB. Find it a sucky band? Fine, but don't talk to me about it 'cause I know my own opinion and that's not gonna change by anyone elses. (Refering to LittleChildOfBodom now: ) But people also change, can't believe you already listened to COB when you were 6. Would be pretty cool tho x'D But probably you liked other things first and found out about COB earlier than those people you were talking about.

But ok I understand it totally, glad I've never met those people x'D
Anyways, Children Of Bodom rocks my socks, and well, anyone who thinks he/she knows it better can fuck off.

Peace! :tickled:
Hymne Til Døden;6780456 said:
The people that need a life are the ones on this forum that always bitch about what album is better.

just by looking at your post bitching about how oh noez hardcore kidz like cob i want to be unique =( and the fact that your location is OMG NORCALI D00D its pretty obvious that you're 14 and anything you're going to say is going to be stupid.
I got bodoms first album the day after it was released. Im a huge fan. I dunno if I can say im their BIGGEST fan. but I like them...a lot. And have seen them live all over the world.
Saying that, I dont care if people cant pronounce the name...or if people like different songs to me.

No it doesnt annoy me.

What annoys me is people who start threads like this because, somehow, they think they have some kind of rights over CoB which means they can say which songs are great and which ones are shit.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We've all been young and stupid...I was a 12 year old girl once that hung around in a group of people (mainly guys) and im sure some of them (and other people in the street) saw me as some desperate kid wanting to be "alternative" and "different"...well, whatever.

We all grow up. Maybe some people in here should too.

Surely we are all here cos we like CoB?
Lets not bash other people for their opinions on which songs they like or how the pronounce it.
Who gives a fuck...I mean...REALLY.

Hymne Til Døden;6780456 said:
The people that need a life are the ones on this forum that always bitch about what album is better.

The ones who need a life are the ones here who only post things like "fuck yourself" all the time, and don't bring anything constructive to the table.
I guy I know who hates metal used to call them Children of the Bedroom in some attempt to be funny. Then I killed him. Yeh. THAT"S WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE IF YOU FUCK UP BODOM'S NAME YOU MOTHERFUCKERS DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEE!

:lol::lol: I imagined you topless and holding a brush while shouting that (i also imagined the afro :p )

EDIT: I couldn't find that pic, i forgot where it was posted :lol:
Oh please, get the fuck over it! Who gives a shit about clueless trend followers? They will always exist, just ignore them.
you're emo? oh, that sucks.

so i'm waiting for the bus, and these two girls start standing near me and start talking about children of bodom. they totally fucked up the name bodom, and pronounced it more liek "badam". pissed me off. next, they proceeded to say that needled 24/7 was their best song. i was like 'wtf!?!?'. granted, it's a good song but not comparable to their better stuff. goddamn.

anyone else have this prob? ever since hcdr was included on skate, all these skaterfags think they know what bodom is. i mean, if they want to like bodom, go ahead, they're great. but at least get it the fuck right.

Hmmm... Care to shut the fuck up?
Ohhhhh is someone getting a little angry? You know, there's counseling for that.

Calm down, this is just a POS forum.

so i'm waiting for the bus, and these two girls start standing near me and start talking about children of bodom. they totally fucked up the name bodom, and pronounced it more liek "badam". pissed me off. next, they proceeded to say that needled 24/7 was their best song. i was like 'wtf!?!?'. granted, it's a good song but not comparable to their better stuff. goddamn.

anyone else have this prob? ever since hcdr was included on skate, all these skaterfags think they know what bodom is. i mean, if they want to like bodom, go ahead, they're great. but at least get it the fuck right.

lolhuh? :lol: