is this a problem for anyone else?

Ugh, dude, you're just not getting the fucking point and I don't feel like discussing it anymore. You're narrow minded, and when you grow up you'll see how stupid and insignificant this shit is, you're just making it a big deal. It's not fucking ignorant since it's based ON OPINION but EVEN IF THEY DID SAY ND24/7 was their best song in a FACTUAL way, I don't think it's ignorant. You're being far more ignorant than they could ever hope to be.

How the fuck do you know? Maybe they have and prefer the new style of Bodom than the older. ALEXI HIMSELF SAYS THE NEW STUFF IS BETTER, so if you want to hate someone, hate the idol of the band whose name you can't stand having people mispronounced. :rolleyes:

How the fuck do you know? Sounds to me just from reading that's what they meant. When people say something is the best, they are generally basing it ON THEIR OPINION and don't mean it in a factual way. Unless they are musicians and experts of what would make a song great or not but that's not the case here so I'd say it's safe to assume when they said it was the best they meant it was their fav.


OMFG.... asking the board is just ASKING FOR MORE OPINIONS... NO FUCKING FACTS AT ALL.. >_>

You just lost the game. And proved my point. :rolleyes:

Exactly... now you're on the right path.. oh wait--


Dude, stop being such a judgmental prick. I'd choose to hang out with 20 emo skatefags saying CHOLDRAIN OF BADAM rules while listening to MCR than talk to someone half as biased and assholish as you for 5 minutes. Are you reading the shit you're writing. Apparently if they listen to older stuff then you'll have no problem with them... you're making yourself out to be such an elitist prick. You're not better than anyone because you like older Bodom tracks. If you hate skatefags so much then why would you want to talk with them about Bodom? Seriously? Just grow the fuck up please. For your benefit.

(:lol: EPIC POST)

good, i want to b a prick. but i originally just asked if this was a problem for anyone else, cuz i think its problem for me. got talked out too much. but i should've expected that from people who have enough time to insert pictures into responses to help prove a point. lol...
good, i want to b a prick. but i originally just asked if this was a problem for anyone else, cuz i think its problem for me. got talked out too much. but i should've expected that from people who have enough time to insert pictures into responses to help prove a point. lol...

this whole thread fails imo :erk: let them pronounce it how they want, if they actually care enough to meet the band then they'll get pwned by the guys and if they don't care enough then they'll probably not even be listening to the fucking music for very long anyway :u-huh:
I guy I know who hates metal used to call them Children of the Bedroom in some attempt to be funny. Then I killed him. Yeh. THAT"S WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE IF YOU FUCK UP BODOM'S NAME YOU MOTHERFUCKERS DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEE!
Late, me? No...

I had kind of same situation when I was in Ruisrock. I was waiting for CoB to start their gig and there was 3 drunken teenagers, girls. And then one of them phoned to somebody and she just kept saying "We are watching Child Of Bodom" and her friends tried to say that its Children of Bodom. Well, at that moment I got a bit pissed off, but now I couldnt care less. It annoys me a little, if I hear somebody talking about Bodom like "Final Countdown is their best cover" etc. If someone in Finland would pronounce name Children of Bodom wrong, I think it would annoy me, but I dont expect that for example the americans could pronounce word "Bodom" correct (or, well, like we finns do)
well,I don't think it depends of where you come from.for example I come from Spain and my friends(not exactly Bodom fans,tbh)are able to say the name ok,even though I must admit that is one of the countries with worst overall level of english,:lol:,90% of the poblation at least in my boundaries seem so retarded when they try to speak or write english,hehe(I'll never thank enough my parents,who obliged me to go to an academy when I was 5 so I've got 13 years learning english by now and I think that I can safely say that I don't mess up too much while using the language,:lol:).
i think it's not only a prob of the correct pronouncing of the name.. i, for examlpe, come from germany, and right here it sometimes is completely the same -.- about five years ago maybe ten of all metalheads livin here knew the band, right now evry damn faggot is keepin on tellin how kewl CoB is.. i don't wanna say crap like "in the old times", or "the old albums". CoB is a pretty popular metal band right now, and it's okay evrybody knowin them. it just pisses me off that evry stupid little pussyrocker i knew from maybe a year before and always listened to kinda "silent" things like punk rock or just hard rock now tells me they always knew how kewl the CoBguys are, how impressive, and just start buyin shirts or other clothes from them, wearin their patches, but if ya at least ask them for one song, they maybe know two, three if ya got a lucky day ^^ i think u just have to know what yer tellin others, and what kind of music you stand for, if ya don't do that yer not better then all the mainstream-running guys with now own opinion.
I know the's fucking annoying! I'd want to tell them off too but then they'd act like they know them better.