is this a problem for anyone else?

In my area, everyone refers to them as "Children of Bottom". I just laugh, because those people think "In Your Face" is their best song. HA!!! Riiight.

if someone said 'badam' or 'bottom' i would definitely have slapped them until they said 'BODOM' correct.
What the fuck man? Is it not good that other people like the band? And people are allowed to have differant favourite songs that what yours is. And if someone slapped you everytime you miss-pronounced something, you would have a very sore face.
Here most my aged ppl have just listened the AYDY album, first they liked some of them and now they think that COB sucks. And I think pretty much no-one of them checked the earlier albums. But those who have listened to the earlier abums still think that they're pretty good.

Who care how people calls them? Names have that tendency to change depending on languages. In French we say buhduhm, others them boodoom, but who cares it's the same band. They could be called ''I like wiener'' they would still do the same music. You're the one who have a problem if it bothers you that much. Plus who care if someone like In your face over Silent night, Bodom night? It's called tastes and you can't judge ithem. And sorry to disappoint your fanboism but CoB, nowaday, is pretty ''just another metalcore band''.

[/]End angry mode[/]

It's like "Budhum" in english/any other language yeah. But Alexi himself preferst to say it just "Bodom" pronounced in Finnish way, and that's how we usually say it here. Well atleast for myself lol.
so i'm waiting for the bus, and these two girls start standing near me and start talking about children of bodom. they totally fucked up the name bodom, and pronounced it more liek "badam". pissed me off. next, they proceeded to say that needled 24/7 was their best song. i was like 'wtf!?!?'. granted, it's a good song but not comparable to their better stuff. goddamn.

anyone else have this prob? ever since hcdr was included on skate, all these skaterfags think they know what bodom is. i mean, if they want to like bodom, go ahead, they're great. but at least get it the fuck right.


i'm fucking sorry but when you pronounce bodom like badam, substituting the o's for a's, there's something wrong. and yeah, people might like different songs, but even a moron can tell that needled 24/7 isn't their BEST compared to stuff like silent night, bodom night or their earlier stuff. they may like n24/7 the best, but they shouldn't say it's the best song.

and thx for agreeing, for those who agree with me :) .

rofl deja vu on the internet....great concept
Man, I think that ppl, who are having deja vu's here are pretty sad...:lol: Like it's pretty unique thing to have deja vu, but MAN deja vu on internetz is just so :erk:

Do I look like I asked for your opinion? It's pretty much like that with every thread, where people start saying OMG off-topic, and others say that it isn't. IMO, what is sad, is the fact that you took your time just to make an idiotic comment on "internetz" (which is THE by the way) just to show that you're cool by making fun of others.

Go back to the religion thread please, you looked like you had a *decent* amount of intelligence there.

[/bad mood]
ever since hcdr was included on skate, all these skaterfags think they know what bodom is. i mean, if they want to like bodom, go ahead, they're great. but at least get it the fuck right.

And let me guess... You all the idea of what liking Bodom truly is?


How the fuck do you say the way someoine likes somethhing is any more right or wrong than the next person?
i'm fucking sorry but when you pronounce bodom like badam, substituting the o's for a's

Seriously, when a few of my friends first heard of Bodom back in... 98? somewhere around then before HB came out, we had no fucking idea how to pronounce it.. We said "Boh Dhum" Later on when I heard an interview with Alexi after HB came out, he said "Boo Dhum" Now, he says "Boh Dhum" in the way you prally say it, so shut the fuck up man, who gives a shit how you pronounce it. its not an english word, so if it takes a few tries for someone to say it correctly, give'em a break. Be happy you can share your music taste with somone... 10 years ago, not too many people even knew this band existed, be happy they're actually making an impact these days.
^ exactly. If you listen how Alexi and other guys pronounce Bodom you will notice that it varies, sometimes they pronounce it very Finnish way sometimes more English way. And now I'm probably going to sound like jerk from Finland but I have never heard American to pronounce Bodom in Finnish way. There is always that American accent. But who cares...
so i'm waiting for the bus, and these two girls start standing near me and start talking about children of bodom. they totally fucked up the name bodom, and pronounced it more liek "badam". pissed me off. next, they proceeded to say that needled 24/7 was their best song. i was like 'wtf!?!?'. granted, it's a good song but not comparable to their better stuff. goddamn.

anyone else have this prob? ever since hcdr was included on skate, all these skaterfags think they know what bodom is. i mean, if they want to like bodom, go ahead, they're great. but at least get it the fuck right.

to be honest.. i don't care
Do I look like I asked for your opinion? It's pretty much like that with every thread, where people start saying OMG off-topic, and others say that it isn't. IMO, what is sad, is the fact that you took your time just to make an idiotic comment on "internetz" (which is THE by the way) just to show that you're cool by making fun of others.

Go back to the religion thread please, you looked like you had a *decent* amount of intelligence there.

[/bad mood]

NO you didn't. It's just that, that I have crap loads of spare time/am being bored. And that's the time when I post on/read forums. Oh and btw, I'm not trying to be cool any one. I'm just being myself and told my opinion, and that's it. Didn't think before I posted, as I could of edited it to the earlier post.
Gad dammit! Those marans should get their battams spanked by Raape's rad!

LAL -> :lol:

In Your Face said:
Yeah man, at the end of the day we're pushing the same "play" button.
Yeah, I don't mind how people prononounce the name either. I've heard different versions being used in Finland too (swedish and finnish version), and the way native English speakers usually say it sounds just fine.
so i'm waiting for the bus, and these two girls start standing near me and start talking about children of bodom. they totally fucked up the name bodom, and pronounced it more liek "badam". pissed me off. next, they proceeded to say that needled 24/7 was their best song. i was like 'wtf!?!?'. granted, it's a good song but not comparable to their better stuff. goddamn.

anyone else have this prob? ever since hcdr was included on skate, all these skaterfags think they know what bodom is. i mean, if they want to like bodom, go ahead, they're great. but at least get it the fuck right.

it get's on nerves, i kinda have a clue, but don't bother about it... :lol:
for BADAM you should have slaped them couple of times... :Smug:

trust me, i wanted to.

In my area, everyone refers to them as "Children of Bottom". I just laugh, because those people think "In Your Face" is their best song. HA!!! Riiight.

EDIT: ^^ZOMG:lol:

Should be in offtopic but i know what you mean:lol: Its fucken annoying...or if they arent like that bout Needled its like "ZOMG In Your Face PWNS EVERY SONG!!!!oneone oh shit someone buy me a couple of sizes smaller pants" fuckin skatefags :D

EDIT: Sorry...this is not offtopic...:p

i just find it retarded when people just introduced to bodom go and youtube some shitty AYDY songs and write them off as "just another metalcore band."

They aren't metalcore tho.. Theres a big differance..

anywayz on the pronouncment of the name you could've told them or slapped and then told them.. for Needled 24/7 some people just like heavyer stuff and things you know..

if someone said 'badam' or 'bottom' i would definitely have slapped them until they said 'BODOM' correct.

i'm fucking sorry but when you pronounce bodom like badam, substituting the o's for a's, there's something wrong. and yeah, people might like different songs, but even a moron can tell that needled 24/7 isn't their BEST compared to stuff like silent night, bodom night or their earlier stuff. they may like n24/7 the best, but they shouldn't say it's the best song.

and thx for agreeing, for those who agree with me :) .

rofl deja vu on the internet....great concept

All of you, gtfo. It's called opinion. :Smug:

Also, if it's not their first language then it's TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE that they would mispronounce the name. And considering most likely the way you say it ISN'T EVEN THE FUCKING FINNISH/SWDISH PRONOUNCIATION ANYWAYS STFU! So if you're going to slap anyone, slap yourselves. Just leave people be, who cares if they're "stupid and gay", it's their lives, so what does it matter? It doesn't affect you in any way.

Most retarded thread even methinks.

Who care how people calls them? Names have that tendency to change depending on languages. In French we say buhduhm, others them boodoom, but who cares it's the same band. They could be called ''I like wiener'' they would still do the same music. You're the one who have a problem if it bothers you that much. Plus who care if someone like In your face over Silent night, Bodom night? It's called tastes and you can't judge ithem. And sorry to disappoint your fanboism but CoB, nowaday, is pretty ''just another metalcore band''.

[/]End angry mode[/]


I cared about things like that when I was 15.

:lol: Me too.

to be honest.. i don't care

Me either, and for those who do you need to get a fucking life. Seriously. Let people be.

Gad dammit! Those marans should get their battams spanked by Raape's rad!
