is this a problem for anyone else?

Mar 21, 2007
Indiana, USA
so i'm waiting for the bus, and these two girls start standing near me and start talking about children of bodom. they totally fucked up the name bodom, and pronounced it more liek "badam". pissed me off. next, they proceeded to say that needled 24/7 was their best song. i was like 'wtf!?!?'. granted, it's a good song but not comparable to their better stuff. goddamn.

anyone else have this prob? ever since hcdr was included on skate, all these skaterfags think they know what bodom is. i mean, if they want to like bodom, go ahead, they're great. but at least get it the fuck right.
In my area, everyone refers to them as "Children of Bottom". I just laugh, because those people think "In Your Face" is their best song. HA!!! Riiight.
EDIT: ^^ZOMG:lol:

Should be in offtopic but i know what you mean:lol: Its fucken annoying...or if they arent like that bout Needled its like "ZOMG In Your Face PWNS EVERY SONG!!!!oneone oh shit someone buy me a couple of sizes smaller pants" fuckin skatefags :D

EDIT: Sorry...this is not offtopic...:p
i just find it retarded when people just introduced to bodom go and youtube some shitty AYDY songs and write them off as "just another metalcore band."
Who care how people calls them? Names have that tendency to change depending on languages. In French we say buhduhm, others them boodoom, but who cares it's the same band. They could be called ''I like wiener'' they would still do the same music. You're the one who have a problem if it bothers you that much. Plus who care if someone like In your face over Silent night, Bodom night? It's called tastes and you can't judge ithem. And sorry to disappoint your fanboism but CoB, nowaday, is pretty ''just another metalcore band''.

[/]End angry mode[/]
They aren't metalcore tho.. Theres a big differance..

anywayz on the pronouncment of the name you could've told them or slapped and then told them.. for Needled 24/7 some people just like heavyer stuff and things you know..
Who care how people calls them? Names have that tendency to change depending on languages. In French we say buhduhm, others them boodoom, but who cares it's the same band. They could be called ''I like wiener'' they would still do the same music. You're the one who have a problem if it bothers you that much. Plus who care if someone like In your face over Silent night, Bodom night? It's called tastes and you can't judge ithem. And sorry to disappoint your fanboism but CoB, nowaday, is pretty ''just another metalcore band''.

[/]End angry mode[/]

yeah, people can have their own opinions, that's really the way of the world. however, I am a firm believer that one should explore all possibilities before making judgments; it is ignorant. I will never have an ego large enough that it would get in the way of experiencing new music; e.g. I shall always keep an open mind whilst exploring new artists, and when being shown new artists. there is something to be gleaned from nearly everything. however the publicity of COB seems to completely focus on their latest work, which really underrates their beauty and complexity. society crowns kings, or condemns beggars; there is no middleground.
Agreed Corny... why bother with the whole 'i know more about them than you...' stuff, who cares what other people listen to/think about it. Ignorance is bliss?
EDIT: ^^ZOMG:lol:

Should be in offtopic but i know what you mean:lol: Its fucken annoying...or if they arent like that bout Needled its like "ZOMG In Your Face PWNS EVERY SONG!!!!oneone oh shit someone buy me a couple of sizes smaller pants" fuckin skatefags :D

EDIT: Sorry...this is not offtopic...:p

No. It's about bodom, so why the fuck would it be in off-topic?

Whoa deja vu!