anyone else watching the star wars family guy???

I was.

and no. It's terrible.

And then once it hit the 30 minute mark and I realized it was going to be an hour, I gave up completely.
Maybe if you love star wars and all the puns and injokes referencing to other things in star wars gets you off THEN YEAH GO RIGHT AHEAD!

Otherwise, for the family guy viewer, the only things remotely funny were the rehashed character cliches. In this sense, the writing for this episode is terrible.
its on in like 2 hours or something. im probably gonna go watch them sunday cartoons over at my homie's place with the big screen tv.
I was actually fairly impressed with The Simpsons tonight... hopefully they can keep steady for the season.

Waiting for Family Guy to come online since I was eating dinner and missed the first half of it, so I'm not bothering to watch the second half... till I see the first half. Etc.
So, I watched it... It was alright. Only a few standout moments: John Williams & Danny Elfman, Doctor Who reference, and the ending conversation about Robot Chicken doing it first.
Well, not exactly the same thing as what south park did. Trey and Matt completely bashed Family Guy, where as the end of this episode was Chris (Seth Green, one of the creators and writers of Robot Chicken) was arguing with Peter (Seth McFarlane)...

Still funny in the end. Haha.
Well, it was really lame the past 10 seasons or so (despite this, I kept watching since I have nothing better to do), but I'm hoping with the movie going over so well that they get a second wind.