The Star Wars Thread

I dug it. I was just happy that it expanded upon the universe and showed there was more to SW than light sabers and force wielders.

It's good to have a critical eye or ear and not get swept up in the hype of things, but I think you seek out criticism even where it's not really warranted. I don't think I've ever heard you say anything good about something without negativity canceling it out. I know opinions are relative and all, but I think you go into review mode on everything with the bar being up at either The Empire Strikes Back or Master of Puppets. I don't think the joke "literally unplayable" would be a joke to you. This wasn't a Star Wars movie, it was a Star Wars Universe movie, so just appreciate the fact that they're actually making good movies about an IP so neglected and half-assed by the film industry in the last 20 years that we had to turn to novels, comic books, video games, and cartoons to further the saga.

Personally, I would've liked to have seen Mads' character fleshed out much more, but it was a great film and I personally wish there had been more of these before the prequels. For once just be happy that this is happening.
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I agree that it was nice to see a movie with very little lightsaber/force stuff. But they could have made the whole movie Darth Vader wading through hordes of Rebels and it would have been awesome.

On a side note, I was king of hoping that they would have put in some kind of collateral damage that wiped out a random bunch of Bothans. "Many Bothans died" my ass!
I agree that it was nice to see a movie with very little lightsaber/force stuff. But they could have made the whole movie Darth Vader wading through hordes of Rebels and it would have been awesome.

On a side note, I was king of hoping that they would have put in some kind of collateral damage that wiped out a random bunch of Bothans. "Many Bothans died" my ass!

That was the second Death Star, not the first.
I'm starting to remember why I stopped going to movies. The amount of inconsiderate people in a movie theater these days makes it not even worth watching anymore, except for something huge like SW. People will just talk to each other or on their phone like they're at home, and they look at you like you're the asshole if you say something. The other day someone actually started up an e-cig during the movie.
You just have to be rude to them to make them get the hint.

A couple years ago my friend and I were at a movie. Dumb broad behind us was talking all through the previews, and about half a minute into the movie, my friend turned and said "Are you planning on talking through the WHOLE FUCKING MOVIE?" About half a dozen people cheered and she didn't make a peep for the rest of the movie.
It's good to have a critical eye or ear and not get swept up in the hype of things, but I think you seek out criticism even where it's not really warranted. I don't think I've ever heard you say anything good about something without negativity canceling it out.

Eh, there's not really any point in trying to refute this, because I know that's exactly how I come across most of the time. Would be a long and boring discussion as to why, and it wouldn't change anything anyway other than simply knowing "the why".

I know opinions are relative and all, but I think you go into review mode on everything with the bar being up at either The Empire Strikes Back or Master of Puppets. I don't think the joke "literally unplayable" would be a joke to you.

Weird. You praise me for not getting swept up into hype (which is just a form of hyperbole), then claim that I'd probably fall victim to hyperbole? Ok. I also don't happen to use your two examples as some kind of metric for everything, even if they would be a good one to use. :rofl:

This wasn't a Star Wars movie, it was a Star Wars Universe movie, so just appreciate the fact that they're actually making good movies about an IP so neglected and half-assed by the film industry in the last 20 years that we had to turn to novels, comic books, video games, and cartoons to further the saga.

A lot of people think this, and I'm one of them too. It also didn't have to be just like every other Star Wars film. I was glad that they were taking a supposedly much darker route with this film, and I didn't want just another "Star Wars" film, because not every one of them needs to be, especially with how many Disney planned on releasing anyway. It's just really annoying when the preview to the film I was really looking forward to was barely representative of the film I ended up seeing. The worst offender though was that they seemed to have spent so much time trying to make it look like an authentic Star Wars film, despite it being more of a war film, but forgot to write any characters to give a shit about. The rapid fire editing gave very little time for any actual character development, so when someone actually gets killed, it's kind of like "so what?".

For once just be happy that this is happening.

I hope that's not code for "Well, it doesn't really matter if the movies end up being good, just be glad we're getting films in a Star Wars skin". Regardless, Episode VIII is really where the resurrection of the franchise gets to show what kind of legs it actually has.

I'm starting to remember why I stopped going to movies. The amount of inconsiderate people in a movie theater these days makes it not even worth watching anymore, except for something huge like SW. People will just talk to each other or on their phone like they're at home, and they look at you like you're the asshole if you say something. The other day someone actually started up an e-cig during the movie.

It's not that bad here yet, but there have been occasions where someone didn't shut their phone off and it rang in the middle of a movie. Instead of getting up right away and going out in the hall, they would answer and start talking for 10 - 30s before proceeding to the hallway. It's even worse when someone brings a crying baby that they don't bother taking out of the theater, but fortunately that's pretty rare.

The main reason I personally don't like going to the theaters all that much (although I do maybe once every six to eight weeks anyway) actually has more to do with the person I usually go with. It's someone who will get a box of hard candies and take the entire movie to finish it off. Instead of pouring a handful at a time into his hand and then picking some out from that, he will slide 2-4 out at a time. 2-4 out of the 200 or whatever pieces in the box. I'm sure you know what that sounds like. When he doesn't feel like getting price gouged, he will pick up candy elsewhere before the theater. In almost all cases it's a bag of hard plastic that he will crinkle again, and again, and again, and again.

He doesn't understand how annoying that is either. His daughter went with us one time, and she said "It's okay, I'm self-concious about how noisy I am, unlike him" when she ended up sitting betwen us. After about the twentieth time of having to hear him throughout the years, I've just made sure to grab a small cup from the concession stand for him to dump his shit into.
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I said damn! Maybe modern Star Wars has finally arrived, and we'll actually have a legitimate heir to The Empire Strikes Back? The last two films that have been released were enjoyable enough for what they were, but this actually looks like the kind of film I wanted to see when The Force Awakens was released.

I refuse to watch any of the trailers. Seeing your comments, it will make the experience all the more enjoyable since you recommend it as well.
All I keep hearing is that VaJJ Abrams drained the cup of SJW kool-aid all the way to the bottom and that The Last Jedi is a total tumblr panderfest with "strong" (i.e. bitchy) lesbian womyn with pink hair upstaging all the fragile males, while Rey just keeps on Mary Sueing the everything. I don't think it's a film I'll like. I was already not impressed by The Force Awakens and its bullshit, so I'll give this a miss.