The Star Wars Thread

There are tons of theories floating around on who she is. The most popular is that she's Ben's cousin (I didn't even think of him being named after Obi-Wan until just now either...), which would make her Luke's daughter. Although I doubt she is, for many reasons, despite her being naturally strong in the force.

In other news, The Force Awakens broke 1.8 billion in ticket sales the last time I saw something about it on TV a few nights ago (wouldn't be surprised if it hit two billion by now). It was also then the fourth highest grossing film of all time, and it's not even a month old yet. I wonder if they bother adjusting for inflation when they put up these kinds of numbers?
I personally hope she isn't anyone's anything. That there is no connection. Much better.
I agree. They'd have to really bend the lore to make her Luke or Obi-Wan's family. I don't like it when they have to force new lore into old lore.
I agree. They'd have to really bend the lore to make her Luke or Obi-Wan's family. I don't like it when they have to force new lore into old lore.

Why would they have to bend any lore to make her Luke's relative? Thirty years have passed, and as far as canon is concerned, it was a vacuum of lore from the end of Return of the Jedi until this. Also, Obi-Wan never mentioned anything in the OT about having a daughter, but that doesn't necessarily mean he didn't have one.

Maybe she didn't actually have not just a father, but a mother too!
Because Jedi must be celibate. Of course that leaves it open that she's a child of force users who weren't Jedi, but like I said, that's bending the lore around the story again. Are they just going to mention in passing the massive upheaval of lore that would be a Jedi having a child? "Oh by the way, I fathered a child by someone you've never seen nor heard of until this very moment, but this movie isn't long enough to go into detail so let's just forget about it."

IMO, anything coming from Obi-Wan is a massive stretch, though technically possible. They would have to explain how he left the Jedi Order and married someone and had a kid who then had a kid yadda yadda yadda. It would be too cumbersome an explanation.

Don't confuse bending the lore with breaking the lore. A haphazard explanation would ruin this mystery, however possible it may be.
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But celibacy isn't just a rule of the Jedi council, it's a discipline of being a Jedi. Unless Luke stopped being a Jedi altogether and settled down to sell speeder insurance, I don't see him turning his back on his Jedi teachings. Of course, it's completely possible he did just that, but that's such a major plot point that the entire next film would have to be dedicated to explaining it. Who was his wife/partner? Where did they go? How long were they together? He's been a hermit for years, so where were they? Is she alive? What caused them to abandon Rey, and how is it possible that a mother and father could abandon their child into slavery, especially someone so powerful as Luke?

There are so many different possibilities that the story would be retarded.
at the end scene, where Rey hands Luke the lightsaber, is he not standing next to a gravestone? It looked like it to me. Possibly, that is his wife/past love? Let's say Rey is Luke's. Could he have given her to someone to raise, just as he and Leia were? To try and hide their "jedi" power from potential bad
LOL sounds like Jedi sex would be the worst sex ever.

I personally hope that she's not anyone special or comes from any of the known characters because I'm kinda tired of the same people having a monopoly of the force. It was all about the Skywalkers for six films and I hope someone else can be introduced that has nothing to do with that family.

It's also why I like SWTOR.
Actually, they can have lots and lots of one night stands.

But Lucas revealed that despite their monastic regime, Jedi were permitted to have sex.

"Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships."

Was from 2002, so who knows if he actually thought the same when writing about them twenty seven years earlier. While he was still a nerd that never managed to get laid.
at the end scene, where Rey hands Luke the lightsaber, is he not standing next to a gravestone?

Even if he is, I still hope Rey isn't a relative. I think it would make it a much better story of it just being a random woman from no where with nothing who became a jedi... It makes sense to go that route too if they really wanted to follow in A New Hope's footsteps. Luke was always just a kid from no where until the end of Empire Strikes Back. It's what made the story great.
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