I hope anyone who considers it gives a thought to talking to someone about it, even if its someone online or somehow removed from your life so there aren't any consequences from them knowing.
There's too many good things in life that outweigh any bad - even in the darkest of times. If you are seriously thinking about it I urge you to seek some help, there's a lot of free call lines where you can talk to someone about things like this.

Feel free to post what's up in your life here, maybe we can help.
^Why not? Metal Ages was right - if you've got probs you can share them with others and you'll be able to get some advices, and maybe to understand that others have the same probs, so its not the reason to kill yourself... Personally I'm the one who keeps all my problems inside and I know its not good. I think there are ppl, who would feel ok to tell what they are worrying about. I'm sure it can help.
I've already got someone away from suicide on a board from which I am admin (not the one in my sig) because talking to a friend who doesn't actually know you in real life really helps.
MetalAges said:
There's too many good things in life that outweigh any bad - even in the darkest of times. If you are seriously thinking about it I urge you to seek some help, there's a lot of free call lines where you can talk to someone about things like this.

Feel free to post what's up in your life here, maybe we can help.

i agree because i tried it and got help
Black Core said:
I've already got someone away from suicide on a board from which I am admin (not the one in my sig) because talking to a friend who doesn't actually know you in real life really helps.

This is what I was thinking. If talking to someone you actually know was too hard, this could be really valuable!