Anyone heard the new Falkenbach material yet?

Vanadis is the only song I remember from the album too, but I remember thinking the other ones had some good ideas too. WAY too much repetition, as I said in that other thread yesterday. The song lengths could have been cut down substantially and nothing much would have been lost. I haven't listened to this in months and months, despite how impressed I was at first.

I'll have to be checking out the older albums. I think I have the second one somewhere in MP3s.
I'm surprised you guys started with this album when it comes to Falkenbach. I thought it was pretty common knowledge that the first two Falkenbach albums are some of the greatest viking metal you'll ever find. I would definitely invest in some time with those two.

Just check out "...When Gjallhorn will Sound..." for further evidence.
^ Yes! Yes! YES!!!

JayKeeley said:
EDIT: Just read Mark Gromen's review for this album on BW&BK. He gave it a 7.5/10 and states that he dropped a point from the overall rating because some of the lyrics are not in English.

*head slaps keyboard*
