Anybody heard the new Mars Volta yet?

Why wouldnt they? They are over the top, excellent musicians, epic, a bit crazy. Jesus I Of the Storm isnt it like 413 in the morning?
IOfTheStorm said:
Yes i like it, but i like to play the difficult one...gimme a break
HA! Your most introspective post yet! :tickled:
Papa Josh said:
How many of you knew that their very first EP was produced by Alex Newport (the mastermind behind Fudge Tunnel)?
Huh, trip out.

I don't understand where pretentiousness lies AT ALL in music like this. In fact the only form of music I listen to that I would consider pretentious is black metal. To me that is so OVERTLY pretentious that it shocked me that I shocked black metal dudes by saying such things. But anyfuck, that's not important right now.

In closing, this dude is an extraodinary singer. Such passion, such delivery. I'd totally hump his leg, balls or not.
I don't get it, the reviewer loves the album but gives it a 1.9? What?

Undertow, Tool's 1993 debut LP, took studio skill and over-trained chops to metal with aplomb. It was Rush Sabbath.
He is obviously NOT a musician, Undertow is not a technically proficient album. Granted, it secured a spot in my Top 10 (or maybe 15) Of All Time long ago, but it has nothing to do with chops. Tool didn't start getting real technical until Lateralus, excepting of course Danny Carey's drumming, which has always been borderline inhuman.
I have been meaning to pick up Frances the Mute since Tues. I have had mp3s for a few months; great disc. Surely to be in my top 10 of 2005. De-loused in the Comatorium is an easy pick for best of 2003 for me. It still kicks my ass every time.

I will probably get it tomorrow, since I'll actually be going near a place that has a Media Play and Best Buy.

And I still don't hear the technicality in Danny Carey's drumming, but I'll keep trying.
jimbobhickville said:
And I still don't hear the technicality in Danny Carey's drumming, but I'll keep trying.
What the?! I don't know what to tell you man, all I know is it's there. :Spin: He's not the most technical drummer in the world, and his true talent lies in his ability to hit the PERFECT note and rhythm exactly 100% of the time which doesn't necessarily involve chops, but still. Fucker is damn good, he has some pretty amazing 4-appendage separation skillz.

I'm trying to think of a song that really shows his techincal ability, maybe Ticks and Leeches or the title track Lateralus, hmm. Anywho, my love for him lies in his ability to play with soul, a quality that can honestly say only a limited amount of other drummers really have.
Ah Carey takes the place of a rhythm guitarist; his drumming encompasses the riffs and thus the heart of Tool. And his drumming is so instinctual--the only drumming I can compare it to is Dailor on In the Eyes of God, and Isis oceanic.
One Inch Man said:
What the?! I don't know what to tell you man, all I know is it's there. :Spin: He's not the most technical drummer in the world, and his true talent lies in his ability to hit the PERFECT note and rhythm exactly 100% of the time which doesn't necessarily involve chops, but still. Fucker is damn good, he has some pretty amazing 4-appendage separation skillz.

I'm trying to think of a song that really shows his techincal ability, maybe Ticks and Leeches or the title track Lateralus, hmm. Anywho, my love for him lies in his ability to play with soul, a quality that can honestly say only a limited amount of other drummers really have.

Danny Carey is fucking amazing. One of the best drummers ever to grace this shithole planet. His limb work is absolutely stellar and manages to do everything absolutely perfect. He is the total package as far as drumming goes. He can prretty much do it all. The closing seconds of The Grudge gives me orgasmic meltdown EVERY FUCKING TIME.
Doomcifer said:
The closing seconds of The Grudge gives me orgasmic meltdown EVERY FUCKING TIME.
Yessssssssssssssssssssssss. I went blind for a few seconds when I heard that for the first time. Let me repeat that, I WENT. FUCKING. BLIND. It was amazing.
Alright, that was an interesting discussion. :dopey:

Anypoop, fuck this album is cool. How is such a mindfuck of a band so popular? I was reading the liner notes and these dudes recorded them shitz all over the world, LA, NYC, Puerto Rico, Australia, and I guess it debuted at #4 on Herr Billboard. That song The Widow is fucking WICKED, man that shit is trying to best the great shit on the new Queens album.

DAMN! I can't believe good shit is getting popular again! Hope for humanity = restored. :kickass:
It would be better if the singer actually was a FEMALE, rather than sounding like one.

That's my only complaint. :tickled: other than that, they are EXTREMELY talented at what they do. I still have to listen to FtM more to wrap my head around it. Only heard it a few times. Obviously not an album of instant gratification by any means.
I'm quite new to this band and I like their stuff. A lot. I don't find them to play pretentious music as several people seem to blame them for. Nor do they blow my balls off completely. Yet when I'm looking for loose creativity and vibes of freshness in relation to avant-garde indie music, their name jumps to mind first. "Frances the Mute" = best 2005 release thus far.
If you don't get goosebumps at the end of the album , after 5-6 attentive listens , I don't understand you . This fucking rules in fact , one of the best this year. <-another thing that shows how 2005 is the worst beginning since a long time though.
their last one didn't impress me nearly as much as everyone said it should.

but Frances the Mute is just insanely awesome, listening to it is quite an experience.