Anyone here ever have Costochondritis?


The White Wizard
Aug 8, 2007
Boston, MA
Yeah...It's 3:20 AM here...I tried to sleep but I am in excruciating pain and I am having great difficulty breathing. It really sucks. I cannot sleep. I've read myself to a very tired state and still cannot sleep. This condition sucks balls man....

Have any of you guys had it? The doctors say it should last between 3-6 months...its been a fuckin year and two months. Apparently its when your rib tendons become inflamed and it causes pain, tightness, and shortness of breath since your lungs cant expand....argh!!! Im soooo angry!!!
Never heard of it, had to google it. Doesn't sound like much fun..

"Costochondritis is an inflammation of the ribs, usually where they attach to the breastbone or sternum.

A person with costochondritis may have pain in the front of the rib cage that is dull and aching. Sometimes there is redness and swelling of the skin around the sternum. The pain gets worse if pressure is put on the sore ribs.

It is very important to have all pain in and around the chest evaluated by your doctor. Costochondritis is not life-threatening, but a heart attack is.

Sometimes an injury to the chest wall will cause costochondritis. However, many times it is not known why the pain occurs.


* anti-inflammatory medication like aspirin or ibuprofen
* ice packs over the sore areas
* avoidance of movements and activities that increase the pain
* rest until movement becomes comfortable and
* exercise, using slow stretching to avoid reinjury"
Oh man, I had this about 8 years ago, docs were all freaked out at first thinking I was having a heart attack. Hurt like a mofo (they gave me some good drugs tho hehe), but I was lucky in that it only lasted about 6 weeks. Hope it clears up for you soon; have they said why it's lasting so long?
Yeah its incredibly painful...not fun at all.

They tried to convince me that I had asthma or pneumonia and I wouldn't buy it so I got really pissed.

Unfortunately the doctors haven't given me anything for it or any good advice.
That sucks..I'm thinkin' it's time for a second opinion. It's not right for them to just leave you in that kind of pain without giving you something for it or trying to find out why it's lingering.
Had something similar after a really hardcore snowboarding crash. It sucked, I couldn't even walk faster than a slow jog because it'd knock the breath from me.