Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

:lol: I say wait for a band to break up, on good terms, if you still like their music up to that point, get a tattoo of their shit. But...damn dude, that would be like me getting an In Flames tattoo on me, then listening to Reroute To Remain, and then what? Then I'm pretty fucked in the ass.

Hopefuly Opeth will never come to that though, and I doubt they will, they are an amazing band.

I think the O looks pretty smashing :), plus its good because no one will know what it is unless they listen to metal or Opeth. Its just a stylish O :)

Yeah Sucka!
Ive always thought about getting some type of tat somewhere. A Black Rose somewhere was always one of my ideas. It would be cool as hell and its means more than just an Opeth song, even though it is the coolest Opeth song.
bloodfiredeath said:
Hopefully, they would laugh at him.

I have nothing against tattoos, but anyone who makes themselves a billboard for a band, any band, is an idiot.

Fuck you! I'm not an idiot, you are. I love Opeth and I'm not afraid to show it!
Just got back from the tatoo Studio. I got the O from Opeth but no Black rose. The artist had to cut off the part of the O where it stretches off the O because he said it would fit better on my arm. I will post a pic when i have the time. I agree with you Ferguson, at least we have enough balls to show how much we love Opeth. Dont let that5 guy get to you, hes obviously an asshole. BTW, i have to say it again, nice Tatoo dude.

NP: Opeth- Paterns In the Ivy II
thats cool you guys, i personally wouldn't get an opeth or any other band type tat, but thats obviously just me, and i think its cool, at the end of the day, its YOUR body and YOUR decision..

now something that IS laughable is the stupid asshole from the shit band 'good charlotte' he has a tatto of every band they've toured with

so he has all the stupid punk/soft rock/emo bands that are so popular nowadays... i'd like to punch him in the face.
ull give me shit for the tat that i have its a basketball inflames, i wanted a metal tat but im only 17 and mums sorta against ma metal, but the one i have cost $240 australian and took 2hrs, it looks ok wanted to have inflames tattooed at the bottom of it but i didnt have the money im saving for when im 18 to get a metal one in the middle of ma back.
this_is_war said:
ull give me shit for the tat that i have its a basketball inflames, i wanted a metal tat but im only 17 and mums sorta against ma metal, but the one i have cost $240 australian and took 2hrs, it looks ok wanted to have inflames tattooed at the bottom of it but i didnt have the money im saving for when im 18 to get a metal one in the middle of ma back.

Thats kick ass:rock:
this_is_war said:
misticdeth have u got ur tat yet+ how does it look.

Yep, got it a few hours ago and it looks wicked. Its pretty much the same design except it doesnt have the piece that extends past the PET in Opeth. The Artist said that it wont fit as nicely so he added a few curls in its place. Still, it kicks ass.
I think your all stupid as hell for getting a band tat. I'm with the other bloke. I'm going to get a tat but its not going to have anything to do with a band or anything at all. Also I've put a 5 year limit on the tat. If I still want this design after 5 years I'll get it. If not, I won't.
This is just my opinion and I've very fussy about what I like in the realm of tattoos. I'm also only going to get one tat and its going to be rather large, smack bang in the middle of my back. I think tatts should be incorperated into the body, not just a picture on the skin. Gezz, I bet if Opeth signed your arms you'd get that tatooed aswell.