Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

Prozactrooper said:
I think your all stupid as hell for getting a band tat. I'm with the other bloke. I'm going to get a tat but its not going to have anything to do with a band or anything at all. Also I've put a 5 year limit on the tat. If I still want this design after 5 years I'll get it. If not, I won't.
This is just my opinion and I've very fussy about what I like in the realm of tattoos. I'm also only going to get one tat and its going to be rather large, smack bang in the middle of my back. I think tatts should be incorperated into the body, not just a picture on the skin. Gezz, I bet if Opeth signed your arms you'd get that tatooed aswell.

Well, to me the Opeth logo is not just about the band. I love the design, thats why i got it. Plus its not as if we got Opeth tatooed on our arm. You go up to someone who never heard Opeth before and will just think the its a really cool design. Thats what it is to me, just a cool design. Even 30 years down the line i wont think of it as Opeth but just as a beautiful design. Thats my 2 cents.
what fella are u talking about, i dont have a metal tat buit i fucking want one. not feally the name of the band just the logo, ok, so yeah it is our choice remember, u cant change our thoughts.:rock:
Misticdeth said:
Well, to me the Opeth logo is not just about the band. I love the design, thats why i got it. Plus its not as if we got Opeth tatooed on our arm. You go up to someone who never heard Opeth before and will just think the its a really cool design. Thats what it is to me, just a cool design. Even 30 years down the line i wont think of it as Opeth but just as a beautiful design. Thats my 2 cents.

I know what you mean, and I know how rude I was but its just something that I feel is stupid. The Opeth 'O' isn't as bad as other things I've seen done, but still its going to always be linked to the band. If it was your own bands logo that would be different story, as it was something that your creative energy went into. Hell, if my bands logo wasn't so ugly I'd get it put across my back...
lol i c what u mean aswell man. oi u should check out some of the tats at all the slayer tats are fucking psyco some are good then some are plain right stuipid like really really stupid
Prozactrooper said:
I know what you mean, and I know how rude I was but its just something that I feel is stupid. The Opeth 'O' isn't as bad as other things I've seen done, but still its going to always be linked to the band. If it was your own bands logo that would be different story, as it was something that your creative energy went into. Hell, if my bands logo wasn't so ugly I'd get it put across my back...

Dont worry about it Prozactrooper. I got the tatoo for the main reason being that i absolutely loved the design. My first idea was to get a Black Rose and have Black Rose Immortal underneath written in old English style writing but then i saw some other peoples tats of the O and it looked soooo cool so i chose to get the O done instead.
Turd Ferguson....I have seen your tattoo online as well :grin:
A big gallery.....I have an Opeth tattoo, and I have it posted on here, from several months back.....I don't wanna dig up the thread but tomorrow I'm adding the orchid to it, plus I plan to get a cross....I'll definitely post a pic of that when I'm all finished.....stay tuned.....

Sorry for digging up THIS thread; I haven't been on the board in DAYS.....maybe even more than a week :eek:
jester00 said:
hey misticdeth lets see a pic of the tatoo!

I havent taken a picture of it yet but when i do i will upload it. Today at work everyone told me how much my tat kicks ass. They said it was cool, pretty, beutiful, awsome, ect, ect. I was amazed on how many people absolutely loved my tatoo. A few people kept on asking me if they can see my tatoo again because they liked it so much. They couldnt lay their eyes off that beutiful piece of art.
@ Terd Fergusen: Is that you in your av?

If so, where is the tatt?
I dont beleive that is your O tattoo man :p

Im getting the O in between my shoulder blades or on my upper calf next month, with some text from an Opeth lyric.


Turd and Mistic: You guys rule!! I'm gonna get my O as soon as i get back to Chicago, maybe even get it here...hmm...Anyways i Love Opeth and me getting a tatoo shows my love for them and the music that has really had a huge impact on me. Whenever someone gets a tatoo it usually means something impacted them or an event occurred in their lives or it signifies something personal. Whether or not Opeth break up badly or something else (God forbid!), i'll still look at my tatoo and remember Orchid, Morningrise, MAYH, Still Life, Blackwater Park, Deliverance, and Damnation. Quite simply the best music ever recorded....Thanks Turd for posting a pic, very impressive. Btw, did you bring an album cover so the tatoo artist got it right??
IMHO, i dont like band tat's. what if they break up..? you have a lot of faith in the band. personally, i have pride in my body, and im not getting a tat until i find the perfect one. Im not going to put a tat on me that doesnt reflect who i am. and who i am going to be. i know i probably wont listen to opeth 40 years from now, something (hopefully) far more progressive will be out by then, and thats what ill be listening to. I dont wanna be an old geezer with an o on me when im old. just my opinion
i have a tattoo which is basically a tribal/gothic design on my lower back...i agree,you have to be totally certain about what you get cos it is for life...i recon my one reflects who i am for sure...
Here I go, digging up old threads to me though :erk:

But anyway I finished my back Tuesday night...the orchids and the cross...had the O worked on as well because my TA was afraid to use enough pressure on me the first time...well I shouldn't say finished, because as soon as I think of something else I want I won't be able to deny myself more tattoos...ahh well I'll get a pic posted as soon as I take one....maybe before I scab over :grin: