Anyone here NOT believe in the death penalty? If so, do

I don't agree with the State's right to execute. That doesn't say anything about how I feel about these two motherfuckers. It just means the State shouldn't be able to execute. They can't even balance simple budgets for fuck's sake.

Btw, prisons are overcrowded because of drug-related convictions. If we could just get our government to legalize and tax drugs, the world would be a safer and more cost-effective place. It would also put Central and South American drug lords out of business, which would make me laugh.
I believe the crime is one that would warrant death. However, the institution that is the American death penalty is certainly not the one to pull the switch. Its a system that has proven to be racist(not that it really applies here) and ineffective at nothing but simple retribution. Think about it, when caught, most murderers admit what they've done and plea bargain. Using that reasoning, one could say that most people who stand trial are either Sociopaths(rare) or innocent.
A criminal in prison for his entire life has the same opportunity to rape your mother as a dead one.

In 1985, 13-year-old Karen Patterson was shot to death in her bed in North Charleston, S.C. Her killer was a neighbor who had already served 10 years of a life sentence for murdering his half-brother Charles in 1970. Joe Atkins cut the Pattersons' phone lines, then entered bearing a machete, a sawed-off shotgun, and a pistol. Karen's parents were chased out of their home by Atkins. Karen's mom ran to the Atkins home nearby, where Joe then murdered his adopted father, Benjamin Atkins, 75, who had worked to persuade parole authorities to release Joe from the life sentence.

When Katy Davis observed three strangers outside her Austin, Texas, apartment, she walked away. Returning later, she was attacked and forced to open the door by Charles Rector, on parole for a previous murder. The men ransacked her apartment, abducted her and took her to a lake where she was beaten, gang-raped, shot in the head and repeatedly forced underwater until she drowned.

In 1965, Robert Massie murdered mother of two Mildred Weiss in San Gabriel, Calif., during a follow-home robbery. Hours before execution, a stay was issued so Massie could testify against his accomplice. Massie's sentence was commuted to life when the Supreme Court halted executions in 1972. Receiving an undeserved second chance, Massie was paroled, but eight months later robbed and murdered businessman Boris Naumoff in San Francisco.

Same opportunity eh?
I think you're missing the part where they're in jail the whole time. Karen Patterson's bed in North Charleston, South Carolina is not in a prison, as far as I'm aware of. But nice try though.
You're missing the point that these felons should not be allowed to breathe once convicted. A bullet behind Joe Atkins ear saves Karen Patterson. No red tape, no legislative lullagagging, no judicial jerk jiving, just one precious bullet of prevention.
Then kill me first, as I support it more than just about any one. Senseless violence? No, that would be raping a 79 year old lady after she's blundgeoned with a hammer. Senseless violence? That would be kidnapping a child, tying the boy to a radiator, and feeding him dog food inbetween molestations. Senseless violence? That is what I call the stray bullet that is lodged in to the temporal lobe of a 9 yr old girl as she rides her bicycle down Crenshaw Blvd. The only thing that I consider SENSELESS, is the crowd of liberals standing outside a state penitentiary with a sign that says "Save Tookie". These people do not deserve an extra minute of oxygen, nor do they deserve valuable economic resources that can be diverted to a worthier cause. The gift of life should be a privilege, not a right. Especially considering the fact that we are nearing our carrying capacity with every minute of the clock. For every starving child in the Sudan, a parasite sits in a cell with food in his belly and an entertaining read in his hands. While a vulture circles a withering child from Nepal, a misguided deviant exercises on a prisonyard, getting stronger for his next kill for when the system eventually crumbles before his feet. As Greg pointed out, capital punishment needs to be extended to encompass rape and molestation, not only for the extreme cases, but for every case that it was tried and convicted. One strike you're out, there is no repentance. Have you liberals found God in the past 24 hours?!? What purpose do these scum serve? Other than target practice for U.S Marines during Rifle Qual? Fuck this shit!

Ok Hannity.... :rolleyes: :lol:
You're missing the point that these felons should not be allowed to breathe once convicted. A bullet behind Joe Atkins ear saves Karen Patterson. No red tape, no legislative lullagagging, no judicial jerk jiving, just one precious bullet of prevention.

"Bullet of prevention," huh? Murder prevents murder. Lovely theory.

Also, to clarify, by "life in prison," I mean "life in prison," not "life in prison with parole in which the guy gets out in 10 years and kills somebody." I'm proposing an alternative to capital punishment, wherein instead of somebody receiving the death penalty, they just remain in jail, though the option of execution would still be open to them if they wanted it (which I'm sure some would). But then you would just be giving them what they want, and that wouldn't be justice, would it?
Why should we pay to keep these cocksuckers alive in jail for the rest of their lives?

I'd much prefer "life in jail without parole" be changed to "bullet in the head upon sentencing". Its cheaper for our taxes to pay for the bullet, instead of the 60 years of food and other shit he'll get.
I'd much prefer "life in jail without parole" be changed to "bullet in the head upon sentencing". Its cheaper for our taxes to pay for the bullet, instead of the 60 years of food and other shit he'll get.

Why does it always come down to money? Don't you people give a shit about the value of a human life? It's cheaper to shoot someone at sentencing than to keep him in prison, so that's the better plan?
Why should I give a shit about a person who meaninglessly took the life of another person? These people have no value...

Understand this: Money = Everything. Taxes, my money, I would prefer to see going to something better than keeping a person who killed another human alive. For instance, the schools in my area are using 5-10 year old text books. I'd much rather my money be diverted to helping them get a better, and more current education. There are also some roads that have been completely destroyed in my town that could use some fixing as they're damaging peoples cars. Could make a few sidewalks here to make it safer to walk down the street with the larger amount of traffic now coming through this area...

Alas, can't afford to budget it in. Our tax money is being spent giving Charlie McMurder his liverwurst sandwich. know that's not exactly how taxes work, right? And why do these people have no value? All murderers have no value? One act that they performed once in their life, regardless of circumstance, negates everything else about them?
My last post seems to have gotten lost somewhere in the system even though I coulda sworn it went through. I'm too fucking tired to type it again, so I'll type it again in the morn, So till then, I'll type the short version of it.

Fuck - fuck - fuck - dick - dick - balls - cocksucker - extremely opinionated statement - extremely arrogant statement - cunt - anal tissue.
Bah i hate how complex these issues are. There are always pros and cons for each side and you can never make a 100% convincing argument for either case. Life is so complicated :(

edit: i'm mainly with dodens on this.