Anyone hoping Steven Wilson..

I see valid points from all sides of this argument. Though I agree that Opeth were probably at their highest in production value on Still Life, which to me was near perfect. Probably because Mikael did pretty much everything himself.

However some could argue, that having a set producer allows them more time to record and write material and not worry about having the production right. The thing about Still Life is, that Mikael said he pretty much had it all written out before he even went into the studio, whereas with the last few albums, they've been practically written on the spot. Which might explain why some fans feel the standard has gone down a bit. If it's any reason then it must be due to the fact they never rehearse like they used to "in the old days."

I can see why Mikael wants Wilson as a producer, as he feels he can connect to him on a music level and just say...I want it to sound like this...and he'd do it. Of course Mikael has the potential to do it himself, but then he would be focusing more on the production and finding out how some of the things are done rather than focusing on the music.

I think that wilson has acutally added some sort of cohesiveness to Opeth, like it or not. Though this is combined with Mikaels matured writing. Songs like A fair Judgment just seem to flow really well, with every part where its meant to be.

Should steven wilson stay or go? I don't care aslong as it doesn't get in the way of Opeth doing what they want to do.
Hmmm... I don't really see what the big deal is about SW. I like PT, and I have Lamentations and it's obvious he does have an effect on the music but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. From what I gather, not many ppl are too keen on Deliverance and their newer work but for some strange reason Deliverance is one of my fav. Opeth albums. I just really like it. It's heavy and brutal when it needs to be, straight-forward and structured when appropriate and introspective and experimental when it fits. And it's catchy (I don't give a fuck about the negative stigma regarding hooks and catchiness, it's good song-writing people), something which has slightly lacked on previous Opeth work. The album just clicks for me. It is noticeably not as complex as some of their earlier work but who is to say this is a bad thing? I hate elitism regarding music: if it sounds good to me it is good. Because I have excellent taste in music.
Moonlapse said:
Outro to 'The Leper Affinity' where the piano just kind of drones on, without much relevance to the rest of the song content... its very empty and haunting sure, but you do tend to think 'ok is he gonna finish playing 1 note per 30 seconds now?'.

I disagree on this one. It's really touchy and I think it has a great vibe. I get shivers from this one sometimes.

Moonlapse said:
This resembles the start of 'A Fair Judgement'... talk about drawn-out. Alot of his parts are really unnecessary in my opinion and don't add much to the music apart from extra length and monotony.

I totally agree on this on. I hate the start of that song, and I think that's why I almost always skips it when I'm listening to Deliverance. The ending is also a bit to long, yes.
ChrisEmerson said:
i was really dissapointed when i found out that steve sung the chorus on bleak, but i dont really have a problem with him doing backing vocals or anything.

So how the song sounds as a whole means nothing if it's Steve Wilson doing the vocals? "Oh cool song. Wait a second... Steve Wilson did the vocals on this?! What a terrible song!"
Moonlapse said:
I can feel elitism pouring out of every crevice of his sweaty adolescent-like nerdy body. He, to me, is the epitome of those loner musical wankers who categorize and stereotype to a whim just because something doesn't fit their taste in music. Don't you love the constant undertones of metal-dissing whenever he is speaking? I sure do *cock-in-cheek*.

First of all, i highly doubt you can gauge what the man is all about based on one documentary with him talking about Opeth.

Second of all, even if this is the case, i dont blame him. The "metal" fans at the Opeth/Porcupine tree show i attended were booing him off the stage screaming "play something br00tal you fag" and "Opeth is much better than your band, you Fucking suck!!!!"....obviously this wasnt everyone, but enough to really piss him off, i could tell. So why shouldnt he be a little bit apprehensive when it comes to close minded and downright rude metal fans. Im willing to bet the average porcupine tree fan is more open minded than the average metal fan, and ill stand by that...and Steven is all about experimentation, creativity, diversity and everything i cant completely say hes at fault for taking the metal stereotype and running with it.

I do understand what youre saying about Opeth basically leaving Steven in charge of the albums production, and not saying no to any of his ideas, but thats not necessarily the case...Mikael is not a push over, and has a clear vision of what he basically wants, and if Steven suggests something not of his vision, i doubt Mikael would just keep his mouth shut, i think youre being far too presumptuous about Mikaels liking of Steven and his abilities.

Point is: nobody has the facts, its all speculation...some of us like Steven's input, some of us dont...lets just hope everyone is happy with the next album right? :p
Moonlapse said:
Yes, let's. Speaking of which, has there been any new word on the progress of the new album?

Well there's nothing written up on Opeth's official site reguarding progress of the upcoming album, so no..

P.S. Could you possibly send me that one song Mikael & Swanö did together over MSN please?