Anyone like Lacuna Coil??!?

you people crack me up. please tell me how they are bland....i'd really like to know what you guys think is so awful about them. you should probably try and listen to a little bit of something off of all their albums and deffinately listen to the song from their demo. have yah even heard anything off the new album???
i find the guitar work bland, everything ive heard has always been so boring, her singing barely saves it. now tell me, if i dont like the old stuff why on earth would i listen to the new stuff? it just doesnt click with me big deal get over it. if you post about a band you like asking if anybody likes them then dont expect everybody to say "oh yes theyre great". well i have repect for you in the sense that you havent started freaking out "fuck you the are the best ever and your a gay faggot" like others do
everyone has their own opinion i just wanted to know yours. your allowed to like whatever bands you want i'm not going to stop you and i'm not going to force you to listen to something you don't want to. but all bands evolve. every album has something a little bit different. elements are put in as often as taken out....they must be doing something right if they are getting radio airplay. How i like them isn't going to affect you just like how you like them isn't going to affect me. i'm not one of those people that feel the need to insult someone because we have different views and opinions.....its not going to change anything now is it?
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not at all, insulting ppl is showing inferiority. any three year old can properly insult somebody. not every1 can agree on things but big deal, i disagree with just about every1 i know but it doesnt affect anything. its just music and some ppl get way too worked up over it. youre one of the few ive ever spoken with that hasnt actually insulted me b/c of my different choice, so you get some respect for that.
LuminousAether said:
I'm close-minded? Bwahaha. Explain that to me. I said that I like The Gathering, and they are a lot less metal than Lacuna Coil, especially these days. No, I just don't like mediocre music because good music is so much better to me. Why should I listen to dull and trite music with a gimmick in their singer when I could hear music tailored to that style of singing that is both original and features stronger song-writing? Hell, even Evanescence are better than Lacuna Coil.


Remind me again why you're here?
I was just wondering that about you. It's obvious why I'm here; to talk about good music and to tear apart bad music.

Okay, that expains your motives. You are one of those people who fucking love to tear apart music you don't like.Which is fine but when you have already voiced your opinion many times, it gets repetitive & old. But you do realize that the topic is "Anyone like Lacuna Coil?" NOT "Does anyone care to tear apart Lacuna coil".So, what you are doing is really immature & just honestly childish.

Anyway, on another note....

I saw them & they fucking rocked. I have noticed that they seem to be much more metal sounding then what their cd's offer, which I guess can be a good thing, because they really put on a good live show. I'd see them again & again if I could.
LuminousAether said:
I was just wondering that about you. It's obvious why I'm here; to talk about good music and to tear apart bad music. Lacuna Coil firmly falls into the latter.

Rule #1: Never present opinion as fact

I must not have been clear, forgive me; why are you posting on this thread if you know before hand that it's going to consist mainly of Lacuna Coil fans? Post somewhere else; make a Lacuna Coil sucks thread; make a thread to show us all "good" music, as you put it. Please be more careful in the future. Thanks!
LuminousAether said:
Metal elitist? Yeah right... if that were true, then I wouldn't listen to emo, would I?

No, I listen to GOOD music. Something which Lacuna Coil are not. I happen to have at least a slight amount of self-respect, enough not to stoop to such a generic and trite band's level simply to hear a female vocalist that is somewhat good looking. Her voice is weak, the backing band is pathetic, and the male vocals are laughable. I saw a video on Fuse the other day and I almost died laughing. It was absolute garbage. Even when they first came out I simply thought of them as a very lame copy of The Gathering. Mandylion is so much better than anything Lacuna Coil did that it makes it completely worthless to listen to that overrated and pathetic band.

HAHAHAH!!! he is so stupid... that he is funny.

Lame copy of the gathering?? hahahaha!!!! poor bastard.
Yeah the guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Early Lacuna Coil was heavily influenced by Paradise Lost Icon era. They had nothing to do with The Gathering apart from having a female singer who of course sounded nothing like Anneke. And how a The Gathering copy could become a nu-metal band is really beyond me, quite a drastic change that must be.