Anyone up for some growling?

if you send me your vocal tracks + lyrics, I'll download the instrumental and add mine in the mix :p then send the wav or mp3 file back.
Is this something completely serious? I have always tried doing vocals, but I never have music to do them over. I could try it, if I could maybe write my own lyrics.
This is cool. I just kinda need to know where you guys are at with the growling, since I need someone who's better than me on my songs. Either that or we could write some new tunes all together and form a project or whatever. What do you think?
Well to be honest I think I'd only be good for background vocals. But I'd be all over some lead and/or rhythm guitar :)

I just bought some USB port recording equiptment and now I'm just waiting for my Seymour Duncan Invader and EMG 85 to come in this week. Then I can start recording some good quality stuff for once
okay.. maybe we could put something together guitarwise and get someone to growl and if we're really lucky a drummer :p do you use GuitarPro for songwriting and such? did you like production and stuff on my tunes? and more importantly, how badly did the music suck? hah
Yeah I use guitar pro alot, although lately I've just beeing recording random shit into my program and playing along with it(without worrying about time though I might add lol). I liked your production alot, I just hope mine sounds as good when I get my new pickups. I assume you wanted to go melodic death with your music? (which isn't bad). I like it for the most part. Was bobbing my head quite a bit :p

What kind of music would you like to go with? I have a couple melodic death songs and death, brutal death, even black metal songs I've made before so I can adapt pretty easy:)

I'd also be interested to see someone add vocals to the song 'The Malice of A Mind Insane'
Nice. Cool songs. I might be able to contribute. If I get time I mean, busy as fuck lately.

PS- What the fuck?! This posted twice
well.. hm, depends what you mean with melodic death hehe. most of my stuff is a mix of influences. Dismember, Vader, Blood Red Throne etc. maybe doing some kinda mix between our riffs and leads etc. and see what comes out would be fun :)

I actually have an older vocal version of Malice that I recorded a couple of years ago before my growl kinda faded. I can upload that one as well on the myspace if you wanna hear


@Delta: missed your posts since I was idling too long hehe. Yeah, I've heard a lot of people here say that you've got a pretty rocking growl. Would be cool if you could come along and make some brootal music.
Well now, it would be nice if we could have a jam session! lol. Which I think the easiest way to do is over msn with the voiceclip things, if you want. Unless you know of a better way?

I'd just rather not make a sample, upload, and THEN send it. If you understand how laziness goes :p

And yeah sure, if you feel like uploading it again I'll listen too it \m/
didnt think so many people were interested. we gotta work something out here :) @EmeticGore: add me on msn, i've got in my profile. would be cool to just fool around with some riffs and see what happens
I've got new microphone it's not the best but better than the old one so I think I can make some growls if I have time ;) Btw I have some cool guitar riffs too but I'm too lazy to tab them with guitar pro :D
Once my pickups are here I think I'll most likely be buying a good microphone to record some vocals with. Since I got the good equiptment for it.

Stefan: I added you, but I wont be on until probably pretty late. I estimate 9:30-10:00 pm (GTM -8:00) canadian pacific time.
Well I've oddly got some free time tonight and some tomorrow to do some recording. This is probably the first chance I've had to even get loud in this house for a long time. Missed out on a few chances to do some shit so I'll see if I can squeeze as much as possible out of tonight/tomorrow. Did you have any lyrics for any of the stuff on your myspace written or anything to send so I have some idea of where you might be heading?