Anyone up for some growling?

Hey I'd like to get in on some of this action, I have Adobe Audition that I use to record. I can do some decent backing death vocals, maybe some rhythm guitar, and I think i'm a pretty good lyricist

edit : and are all the songs in regular tuning or what?
@Bleak Eyes: clean vocs are no no in this kinda music :)

@Delta: would be really cool if you tried some stuff out. I only have lyrics for Malice really so you can do whatever you want with the songs as long as it kinda fits with the songtitles and music :)

@Heliotropic_Rose: they're in D :) and yeah.. I also use Adobe Audition. it's pretty good for recording methinks

@mr.salami: done :p
Well I did write a fair share of Brave Murder Day-ish doom tunes as well a few years ago. It's a lot of fun but I don't quite have the lead guitar or melody skills to do it really properly.

That sucks. I could do something with that. Drum and vocal wise probably. Last year, I wrote a song on guitar, but I never recorded it or anything.
Ok, so I assume my idea was over the top. What would you like to do Stefan? if you decide you want me on guitars with you. I'll be dedicating a little time to 'battle of the bands' here. But I still have plenty of time for this if needed.
@Bleak Eyes: maybe I could start playing around with some Death/Doom again on guitar and see what comes out then :)

@EmeticGore: yeah sure, maybe you have some riffs or song in guitarpro or something to send to see if the styles are similar enough? we could prolly come up with something. making music's fun.
I can growl and scream in the area of Peter Tagtgren, I was even born the same day as he did (3rd June) haha

I've been working on some Vader and Vomitory instrumental parts

doing some good Death Groove Metal would be fun :D
I can growl and scream in the area of Peter Tagtgren, I was even born the same day as he did (3rd June) haha

I've been working on some Vader and Vomitory instrumental parts

doing some good Death Groove Metal would be fun :D

Would be cool if you tried out the Untitled song on my Reluctancy myspace if you want. Add me on msn or smth and I'll send the mp3. What kind of recording equipment for vocs do you have?
Would be cool if you tried out the Untitled song on my Reluctancy myspace if you want. Add me on msn or smth and I'll send the mp3. What kind of recording equipment for vocs do you have?

ok dude, I just added you on msn

I have a Shure Beta 58A microphone, a Behringer Mic200 tube ultragain pre-amp, and a Planet Waves connecting cable, it's all connected directly into my Antex sound card (my neighbor sold it to me at a very good price, and it's pretty good, at least much much better than the motherboard integrated one, also I have a pop blocker.

what programs do you recommend me? guys?

so far I've been working on Acid Pro 6, and I'm installing Nuendo right now

I bought all this last night for your project. Naaaat (Borat) lol