Growling tips?

I am no professional, but I depend on eggnog for extended growling. I can only growl low. (but I can only sing low) Eggnog really makes the low growl resonate better. Less painful too.
okay once and for all... your throat has nothing to do with growling...unless you want to sound like the guy in children of bodom or dani filth... so basically drink what you want when growling... i need no phlegm to growl, therefore i drink plain water. If you use your throat and try to make it sound like growl by drinking juice and stuff youll hurt your throat and if it hurts, its wrong.
I'm trying, but I can't seem to get volume in when I'm growling. I know it doesn't have to be very loud, but mine are near whispering and don't have any power. I don't understand how to get the 'distortion' without using my throat either. My aim is Mike-like growls, so mostly low and some mid-tones.
Wow alot of people here are giving retarted info.

NO, DO NOT DRINK DAIRY PRODUCTS, it only makes it worser. Water, Room temperature is the right fluid. Also WARM UP before you scream/growl, because its really dangerous screaming without warming up and loosening up.

Also , scream from your diaphram. To Inhale through the diaphram, breathe in without lifting your shoulders or moving em at all. Also, to scream from the diaphram, for males, you need to tense your lower stomach region. Much like the feeling of taking a crap. For girls, its the feeling of pushing out a baby through your womb. This also increases volume.

I hope that helped.
Pretty much anyone who sings will tell you that dairy products are BAD. I don't sing, but for example, a lot of my friends were in a choir that was performing the Messiah the other week and I was sitting at dinner with them and they were discussing how they couldn't drink milk or any dairy product because it kills your throat.
xXBraveMurderDay said:
Wow alot of people here are giving retarted info.

NO, DO NOT DRINK DAIRY PRODUCTS, it only makes it worser. Water, Room temperature is the right fluid. Also WARM UP before you scream/growl, because its really dangerous screaming without warming up and loosening up.

Also , scream from your diaphram. To Inhale through the diaphram, breathe in without lifting your shoulders or moving em at all. Also, to scream from the diaphram, for males, you need to tense your lower stomach region. Much like the feeling of taking a crap. For girls, its the feeling of pushing out a baby through your womb. This also increases volume.

I hope that helped.
How do you warm up for growling?
Hmmm, how to ask this? How do you guys growl? Do you add gruff to your voice, or do you kind of sing while inhaling? which gives the same sound that Mikael does at around 6:45 of The Apostle In Triumph...Which is harder to control and hit notes with, or do you kind of growl whilst exhaling which makes it sound more articulated but gruffer...I listened to that voice coach's lecture on that radio station, she mentions the "false vocal chords" but how exactly do you use them?

It's like trying to describe a colour that doesn't exist...
None ever explained for me how to growl, i just kinda experimented, it often really takes practise to not do it wrong. For over a year i growled totally wrong, but after trying it out and doing what felt best i started to record my growling to then pick out stuff that sounded bad...just little things, like how to pronounce sertain letters and so on.
I put a clip of me growling as auditioning on the bloodbath forum.
FRUGiHOYi said:
How do you warm up for growling?

Any vocal warm up would do the job.

If you have a guitar, you can warm up and practice your scales by using your voice to match the pitch of the fret you're on.

Warming up just makes it feel alot easier and looser, sound alot better, and it also makes it hurt less.
xXBraveMurderDay said:
Any vocal warm up would do the job.

If you have a guitar, you can warm up and practice your scales by using your voice to match the pitch of the fret you're on.

Warming up just makes it feel alot easier and looser, sound alot better, and it also makes it hurt less.
Oh yeah, I do that actually. I hum the notes when I'm going through scales because I heard it helps your voice.
affinity4theMoor said:
i got the deep growl going just fine sounds good. any tips for those who are challenged by the higher pitched screams?
I would like some tips on that too. I used to sing in a band where I didn't growl at all (well, I tried to on one song, but I wasn't doing it right). All I did in this band was scream my head off and sing a little bit. Anyway, I had a really good scream and I could make it very high pitched too, but I was probably not doing it right. If I kept at it, I would probably have hurt myself. I would like to know how to do a high pitched growl/scream properly...
xXBraveMurderDay said:
Wow alot of people here are giving retarted info.

NO, DO NOT DRINK DAIRY PRODUCTS, it only makes it worser. Water, Room temperature is the right fluid. Also WARM UP before you scream/growl, because its really dangerous screaming without warming up and loosening up.

Also , scream from your diaphram. To Inhale through the diaphram, breathe in without lifting your shoulders or moving em at all. Also, to scream from the diaphram, for males, you need to tense your lower stomach region. Much like the feeling of taking a crap. For girls, its the feeling of pushing out a baby through your womb. This also increases volume.

I hope that helped.
Well, what the fuck is a diapram?

k i have read this thread all the way through and i jsut decided to reply and put in my 2 cents if it means anything from a 14 year old


growling form your diaphragm: first if you want to growl from your diaphragm you need to learn how to breath with your diaphragm first

when you are born you already know how to breaht thorugh your diaphragm and breaht correctly.

you have two secton in your lung the top and the bottom most human breath through there top part of their lungs due to laziness, but if you want to learn how to breath with your diaphragm you need to learn how to breath with your bottom part of your lungs

to breath with your diaphagm place your hand on your belly try to breath in with out your shoulders moving up or moving at all jsut focus on your belly.

if you are breathing with your diaphragm correctly when you inhale you will feel your belly move out and expand (you can notice this puting your hand on your belly button area).

it may feel like your not geting enoguh air and you want to take a big breaht and use your "top part of your lungs" nuh uhhh dont do that bc when you tkae a "big breath" and you feel like your releifing yoiurself your not your actually breahting in to much air you lungs dont need that much air and that is why you need to breath with your diaphragm and breath correctly:grin:

do this for awhile till you get use to breahting this way.

so now that you know how to breath through your diaphragm you can dont learn how to growl fomr your diaphragm.
"yes ladies and gentlemen growling and developing into a good vocalist take time"

now back to growling from your diaphragm. Start by inhaling like how i explained throguh your diaphragm and as you growl tighten up your abs and stomach area like somone is basically about o punch you.

you DO NOT want to force out the air too fast when you growling, gurgle, grunt etc. you dont want to use more air than you need to or you wont get the longevity to your vocals that you want and if you think your growl or your vocals are not loud enough thats why you have a mic and a pa system let the mic do the work. DO NOT stress your vocal chords. but if you feel that your not geting a strong enough growl gurgle, grunt then you need to study up on the "larynx" that is what give you strenght in your vocals. (i cannot explain further on the "larynx" bc i dont know everyhting there is to know so research:grin:)

now to the other issua i have seen is what to "drink"

there nothing you can drink to coat your vocal chords bc if you had any sort of liquidin your vocal chords you would choke and die becasue liquid does not ever reac your vocal chords.

theres nothing better you can do then you get a good night sleep and drink some good ole "H2O" and if you say h2o hurts your voice then guess what your growling wrong, so stop before you damage yourself and learn how to use your vocals the correct way

and i have also read somone people say they want to learn how to scream "high"

for this you need to scream throguh your false vocals chords

screaming throguh your false vocal chords is not a easy task, you cant really jsut read about it and do it and if you can then heres my props :hotjump:

i lsiten to the interview by melissa cross (hgihly recomen you by her audio dvd "the zen of screaming") and she mentions puting a pencil in between your teeth and trying to actaull project your voice over the pencil and below it uses "head resinence and chest resinence" what you want to scream is to use head resinence. to use head resinence try vizualizing your voice going over the pencil then try it and your body should be able to do it. if you want to go below the penicl then jsut talk normal thats all chest resinence is.

ok now that you know what head resinence is USE it

wehn you use your false vocal chords it should feel like your voice is higher becasue your false vocal chords are located hgiher than the true vocal chords you use to talk in

a thing about your false vocals chords: your false vocal chords are jsut distortion it's almost like when when who made us was making our false vocal chords they did'nt finish them

thats why you scream with them and it wont hurt:grin:

ok when you use your false vocal chords you can change your "pitch" or shall i called it amount of "pressure" when you want to change this you put your tongue up on roof of your mouth on the top and move it around to change your pitch. as you move your tongue back the pressure increasein your mouth so the "pitch or pressure" is hgiher when you move it farter out the pressure is more spread out so the sound appears lower

screaming through your false vocal chords and controlling your pitch will take some time when cultivating your sound to exactly how you want it

you can all so control your tone or pithc by how wide your mouth is open and how wide your lips are open

for example "pig squeels" are performed by moing your tongue back in your throat "increaseing the preasure" and by closing your lip area where you can barely fits a finger throguh it

there are endless amount of techiques and customization you can to get the sound you want when your useing your false vocal chords and altering the sound with your tongue lips jaws and air

i hope i did'nt leave anything out


i hope this helps
I really have to start practicing these things. It would be so cool to be able to sing death metal vocals.

And when I'm able to do that, maybe I'll get normal singing lessons. Then I can sing well along all the parts in Opeth's songs :)

And of course those would be very useful skills, if I'd find a band to play guitar in.