...sorry its $10.00, not that you'd complain about a cheaper price...
they also have Saw You Drown on vinyl for $10.00...when i have the extra cash im going to order it.
yay found the thread.
anyway i know i"ll sound like the most stupid ignorant and not music appreciator (mind you, i think that word does not exist) but i dont see the point in getting vinyl if i dont have that thingy to play them. I mean i could get it but why going into such trouble if its so easy to keep cds. Ill leave the vinyl-extremely-rare buying for ppl like Reece
now since i can get the fftc for chaeap, the mision is gettin saw you drown for good price...
*goes and stares at the ebay mcd priced 99 uds, "down pal go down!"*