apology to ollie...

so we'll just pretend we don't see it *la la la, happy dance of those who cannot see the E* hehe

*does happy e-less dance also*

How the hell did this thread cause so much drama? It was intended as a little heads-up to Olli in case he didn't get the 'affectionate' part of the banter that's been going on in here. Nothing more. It wasn't meant to open discussion or invite people to insult the band (or myself and Katie for that matter).

As for Isjungfrun, Mathias may not give a damn about your opinion, but I do. We may have gone a little far with some banter and felt the need to point out it wasn't malicious, but deliberately insulting Mathias just to make a point is unnecessary and incredibly rude. If you dislike him that much, what the hell are you doing posting on his band's forum?

Also, please do not call us groupies. As Katie said, it is phenomenally degrading and paints us as something neither of us are. If anything, having been treated like sh*t by a guy I got involved with who happened to be in a band, I will never get involved with anyone in a band again, whether I meet them through the band or not.

I find it incredibly ironic that we felt the need to apologise for a bit of banter that may or may have been taken the wrong way, only for other people on this forum to feel that they can throw deliberate insults at us and band members with (apparently) no intention of apologising.
see most things i would just ignore, however, the groupie comment was a personal insult hurled at me, i do not see why i should have to take that, like you said, it's an internet forum, a place to go to chat to people of similar interests... not to be insulted....
but i do believe that the purpose of this thread has been fulfilled and posting here should cease henceforth....
see most things i would just ignore, however, the groupie comment was a personal insult hurled at me, i do not see why i should have to take that, like you said, it's an internet forum, a place to go to chat to people of similar interests... not to be insulted....
but i do believe that the purpose of this thread has been fulfilled and posting here should cease henceforth....

dont think the groupie comment was serious, also not the anti-mathias thing. i call my friends so many bad names online, its just a way of having fun.

as well, for me personally 'groupie' doesnt only mean having sex with a musician but covering the whole range of being a hard fan to stalking to the 'act' itself then.
but she's not my friend, i've never had a pm conversation with her, i've barely spoken with her in the forum.... so to call a practical stranger a groupie is taking a bit of a liberty.... i'm not saying i don't like the girl, nothing of the sort, i'm simply saying that to mock someone online and call them bad names, you have to have a certain rapor with them so they understand it's not serious

the reason i get so uptight about it is that i'm friends with a few bands, and because of this everyone i know seems to assume that to know them i must have slept with them, as you can imagine this is rather degrading as i haven't slept with any of them and never would, so being called a groupie online by someone who doesn't know me... well it tends to rile me rather
oh c'mon, don't take it all too serious, it's an internet forum!! :)

dont think the groupie comment was serious, also not the anti-mathias thing. i call my friends so many bad names online, its just a way of having fun.

as well, for me personally 'groupie' doesnt only mean having sex with a musician but covering the whole range of being a hard fan to stalking to the 'act' itself then.

I love you:blush: