Apple is AWESOME


Sep 21, 2005
New York
Wow, i haven't posted here in ages but I just wanted to say my early 2008 Macbook Pro's logicboard burned out and Apple replaced it on the spot within an hour free of charge without applecare! I'm so impressed :headbang:

one time i bought a pearl reference snare drum from usa ebay, used from a random person. every lug broke, pearl gave me new lugs for free, even though i had bought it from another country, used.
Yeah, the same thing happened to me about a month ago. I looked it up and found out it was due to some faulty nvidia chips. Apparently all macbooks pre-unibody (late 2007, early 2008) have this issue with the card not being cooled properly. There is a huge lawsuit going on. In the meantime, nvidia is paying for everyone's new logic board!
I don't need to, i go to the local computer store and do it my self within 30 minutes.


Fair point but not quite the same thing surely?

We're talking about various companies warranty policies and service, which is an entirely different beast from just fixing it yourself.

Being able to change to pickups in my guitar says absolutely nothing about Fender as a company for example.

To throw in my own 2c, dealing with PC manufacturers for repairs has been nothing but heartache, often with the machine out of action for months on end before they finally get it sorted, frankly at this stage I'd rather pay the premium for Apples good service, even if its just down to sheer mental exhaustion from dealing with Dell/HP etc.

And before ye crack out the whole "walk down to radio-shack" line, If I did that then i'd be even further out of pocket after the price of this bag-of-shit Dell. (its my own fault for buying a fucking Dell of course).

also, obligatory :fu: to you too ;)
Yeah totally man, buying your own logic board and doing it yourself is totally the same thing as getting a free one and someone else doing the work.

I don't need to, i go to the local computer store and do it my self within 30 minutes.


And when you end up getting a faulty logic board, what do you do?

As much as people bitch about the price of Macs, I feel that the price is totally justified by the support available. The turn around time tends to be pretty good.
And when you end up getting a faulty logic board, what do you do?

As much as people bitch about the price of Macs, I feel that the price is totally justified by the support available. The turn around time tends to be pretty good.

Yup. Apple is only expensive until you buy it, but then you realize why it cost so much and that it was completely worth it.
And when you end up getting a faulty logic board, what do you do?

As much as people bitch about the price of Macs, I feel that the price is totally justified by the support available. The turn around time tends to be pretty good.

Well, i was about as serious as a pooper scooper, but whetevs.

Anyways: I don't buy stuff over the net(Apart from used stuff that is.), so i just go to the local store, hand it in and get a new one directly.

And tbh, my brother is the only case ive heard of anyone ever getting a faulty motherboard.. and ive changed about 100 or so my self, and i have friends who have built loads of setups as well and still never heard of it happening. ;X

But you guys use your macs.. the biggest reason i wont buy one is that i really dislike osx and the fact that apple is ever worse when microsoft when it comes to forcing shit down peoples necks.
Its all a matter of taste and i wont join the nerd rage.