Apple is AWESOME

There are definitely some cool features of Apple's customer service (especially with Apple Care). Small example: A friend of mine is a huuge Android fan, and he always mocks me about having an iPhone with no flash etc, and how much better Android and his HTC smartphone are. Well, his screen stopped working after about 1 month - so he sent it in. First off, he had to pay for the shipping himself and organize it. He only got the "permission" to send it in after hours on the telephone with the company.. and then it took 4 weeks and a few days for them to send back his HTC. During that time he didn't get a single message about the status of the repair, even when he asked them. He had to pay for the shipping back to his place and got his old phone, fixed.

I had a friend with a malfunctioning iPhone (with AppleCare). You actually get a new iPhone delivered immediately and the UPS guy takes your old iPhone with him and sends it to Apple. Then they will most likely just leave you with the brand new iPhone and sometimes they repair your device and you get it back as quickly as possible. Or you could just walk into an Apple Store and get a new one immediately. You won't pay anything, it's fucking fast and you don't have to talk about your problem for hours on the telephone.. my friend's dad even got an iPhone 4 when his iPhone 3GS stopped working after he dropped it from a scaffolding.. that's fucking sweet. And there's few things I hate more than bad customer service and waiting for stuff to be repaired.
my friend's dad even got an iPhone 4 when his iPhone 3GS stopped working after he dropped it from a scaffolding.. that's fucking sweet. And there's few things I hate more than bad customer service and waiting for stuff to be repaired.

I've had to replace the logic board on my macbook pro TWICE! :yell:

But it's funny every time I go to the applestore to drop off or pickup the laptop there are always people next to me trying to score an iphone 4 due to having minor issues with their iphone 3gs :rolleyes:
Ever tried getting a Dell or HP fixed out of warranty? much less fixed within one hour?

Nope, but a Crapbook Noob (or Macbook Pro as Apple call it) on insurance - took them 2 weeks or something (which I had no problem with). The reason why I turned it in was because the glue that holds the screen to the body had come loose. Yes, Apple glues their computers.
Just incase anyone missed it... it's Nvidia paying for this.

Apple wouldn't piss on your ass if your shit was on fire.

I don't have one of the nvidea machines and my local apple store replaced the board for free within 24 hours of me dropping it off. The computer was well over two years old at the time and took a lot of abuse from me in that time.
A friend of mine got a new cinema display for free b/c of ONE dead pixel.
You are simply wrong in this case. You don't have to take my word for it though b/c the major rating agencies consistently rank apple as top for customer service/suport.
I'm a happy Apple user but sometimes they drive me nuts. My out-of-warranty iPod Touch's (3rd gen 8 gigs) output jack has gone half dead this morning, so I called one of the local tech services. They asked me for 80$ to replace the freaking output jack! I called a few others and got the same price. This is freaking insane! I told them that I'm gonna throw this out and gonna buy a new one instead.

Hello eBay and lost cargo packages!

I remember a similar thing but with a cracked iPod-display.. the guy ended up taking it apart, looking up the display and replacing it him self for something like 1/100th of the price they wanted. o,0
Yeah, it costs around 600$ to repair all parts, lol. 150$ for screen, 80$ for a single home button! Holy crap!

I found the output jack for 2$ on eBay. I'm gonna buy a few and try to change it myself.

Even funnier, that output jack repair price in the local store goes up by iPod's capacity. 80$ for 8 gigs, 85$ for 16 gigs, 90$ for 32 gigs and 95$ for 64! WTF? We don't have THE Apple Store here in Turkey so we have to deal with so called services which are actually vampires, werewolves, zombies and such waiting for you to bring a broken Apple product so they can suck your blood and eat your flesh. I'm on a rampage. QQ I was thinking to replace my smoke-burnt enter button on my Macbook but I don't dare to ask the price.
I have changed myself a crackled led screen on an iphone 3GS. You buy everything for like 40 dollars, with a little kit, you follow the instructions, done ! a bit tricky but nothing too difficult, just a bit frustrating to do cause it can be long if you don't get the things immediately.