Architects - Broken Cross Cover + Multis

TSE808 > X50 > LeCab2 custom impulse > Multiband Comp basically doing nothing haha
FTS Edge Bass DI > TSE BOD > CLA Bass > EQ > Limiter 6db reduction BLEH!
Random Cymabl nki's > Chango snare and kick > Morgan C Toms
Parallel comp > Clipper
Feeling a little lazy so I didn't route out the samples from Kontakt. Toms are raw. I'll get more into it when it's not so late.
Hi/Lowpass > Extreme compression > Shimmer > Extreme limiting
Master Bus:
Ozone match eq 50% to the song ;) > SSL comp > Limiter 2db reduction BLEH! - Broken Cross 2-27-2014.mp3

I automated the guitar volume at the chuggy breakdown part at the end 100% on and off. Sounds all tight and shit. BLEH!
Here's the FTS Edge Bass DI render in case anyone wants to try it out.
hi guys :)

Here is my mix, what do you think of ?

Thx guys !
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holy shit! :lol: how many tubescreamers did you use?

my mix

Used two tube screamers from Pod Farm and two from Revalver ;) Had the gain set to 0 on the amp since it would get messy as fuck with any gain on. Also used 4 noise gates :) Made the guitar tone based on the first album of Vildhjarta. I've seen people getting a similiar tone using a wah, but i prefer loads of TS's..

Like your mix, sounds a lot more natural than mine. Maybe you could just add some more in the 10k+ hz area to brighten it up a bit.
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Used two tube screamers from Pod Farm and two from Revalver ;) Had the gain set to 0 on the amp since it would get messy as fuck with any gain on. Also used 4 noise gates :) Made the guitar tone based on the first album of Vildhjarta. I've seen people getting a similiar tone using a wah, but i prefer loads of TS's..

Like your mix, sounds a lot more natural than mine. Maybe you could just add some more in the 10k+ hz area to brighten it up a bit.

4 tubescreamers!!!!! :heh: youre crazy
I totally agree with you about making the mix brighter but i was scared of making the guitar too harsh so i built the mix around the "dark" guitar tone and kinda liked it.
I googled Vildhjarta and damn that tone is so weird. Its harsh but works :lol:
4 tubescreamers!!!!! :heh: youre crazy
I totally agree with you about making the mix brighter but i was scared of making the guitar too harsh so i built the mix around the "dark" guitar tone and kinda liked it.
I googled Vildhjarta and damn that tone is so weird. Its harsh but works :lol:

Haha yeah, won't probably use more than two for my main tone. Chords with several strings tend to sound like pure noise but it works if u mainly play chugga chuggah ^^
Im pretty sure Vildhjarta used several Tubescreamers and a wah wah, cuz it sounds almost more fucked up than my tone.
Used two tube screamers from Pod Farm and two from Revalver ;) Had the gain set to 0 on the amp since it would get messy as fuck with any gain on. Also used 4 noise gates :) Made the guitar tone based on the first album of Vildhjarta. I've seen people getting a similiar tone using a wah, but i prefer loads of TS's..

Like your mix, sounds a lot more natural than mine. Maybe you could just add some more in the 10k+ hz area to brighten it up a bit.

too many tubescreamers dude! sometimes i don't even like 1. Tbh i think Vildhjarta guitar tones suck but that's taste i guess. I've seen them live and I have to admit it somehow works though