Architects - Early Grave (DI'S + MIDI HERE!!)


New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2010
Hi guys i thought id contribute some stems for the first time.

You can find them here :

Sorry for the sloppiness! (I suck at guitar)

Bass was MIDI but i just exported it as a WAV seen as many people might not have the right programs

Drums are MIDI. I used slate for kick, snare and tom and SD2 for cymbs

DI guitar what were tracked with a UX1

Reference mix here :

ENJOY ! :kickass::kickass:

EDIT : just realised the drum midi sucks, heres the proper version

Bass midi :
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any way you can post what drum is on what note of the piano roll? just so i dont mix up cymbals :)
Thanks for posting this, awesome DIs!

Here is a quick first attempt. I think the bass and guitars needed to glue together better but I'll mess with it more later.

EDIT: Here is my second stab at it.
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I'm hearing a weird noise in the right rhythm DI, like there's an extra track that got left in or something. Am I the only one hearing that? Anyways, here's my (dead-eared) attempt:
There's some clipping going on and I think it's my mp3 compression, and I hate my toms.

EDIT: messed around with the toms a bit, I think they sound better. Still got some clip issues going on.