Arcturus - where are they now


May 2, 2001
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Hey guy and girls,

what's up with Arcturus? The last thing I heard from them is La Mascarade Infernal, I listened to it last night, fuck it's weird and oh so proggy.

Anyway, what are they like now? Any significant changes? I'm considering buying their newer stuff.


Originally posted by Satori
Hey guy and girls,

what's up with Arcturus? The last thing I heard from them is La Mascarade Infernal, I listened to it last night, fuck it's weird and oh so proggy.

Anyway, what are they like now? Any significant changes? I'm considering buying their newer stuff.



Get the sham mirrors right now. It's very very good, miles ahead of la masquerade.
Originally posted by Stinkfist
much more focused than La Masquarade...

Therein lies it's problem. Whereas La Masquerade... was an opera from hell and totally experimental, Sham Mirrors was simply straight forward. Bleh.
The sham mirrors is a masterpiece! La Masquarade sucks compared to it! ;)
Try downloading songs like 'Nightmare Heaven', 'Star-Crossed' and 'For To End Yet Again'.
I've had it for about a month... I thought it was just ok when I first listened to it in my crappy car stereo... but just recently I've been playing it on my home stereo... needless to say, it sounds really cool...
Originally posted by Stinkfist
My favourite is Radical Cut, the one with Ihsahn on vocals.
Yeah that one rocks. Along with Collapse Generation and Nightmare Heaven... these 3 are my faves :headbang:
I have yet to purchase La Masquerade Infernale, but there are just so many other albums I have to get as well :err:
Originally posted by Stinkfist
For me, La Masquerade was a rambling, directionless mess.

I kind of agree to an extent. It wasn't terrible, but nowhere near as good as the Sham Mirrors. It's a much more enjoyable listen if nothing more.
I don't like all of Mascarade, some of it bores me, but there are some tunes that blow me away, like Alone and The Chaos Path (what kind of drugs must one do to come up with such insanity?)

Also, hellhammer is a fucking brilliant player.

I think they both are brilliant album but I believe that LMI is a fraction better mainly because it was as chaotic as mentioned above.. That was its charm and that's what makes it Arcturus' best release in my opinion. They pushed themselves to their limits and came up with that masterpiece. TSM is charming in a different way, because it is so perfectly conceived, written and executed. But I'll always think that the magic of LMI is more appealing.
Damn Satori, you have missed out on so much. Sham Mirrors came out about 6 months ago, it was a pretty fucking big story. You stupid loser. ;)
Hellhammer does an amazing job on drums on The Sham Mirrors. Not only is he totally precise, he does a lot of really interersting drum work, switching up beats by throwing in different accents, he really makes the album worth looking into. Overall, it's as otherworldly as LMI, but it has some really good melodies, and the vocals are just awesome. All it's missing is Simen:cry:

But as a drummer, and a fan of progressive music, I think you'd dig this album.