Riverside: Jesus, they are brilliant!

:Wreath: said:
^ Oh nice to see a lad from my country :D Dobrze wiedzieć że w naszym smutnym kraju są ludzie których interesuje dobra muzyka ;)

I never heard Indukti but I guess I should check them out...
Niewielu nas zostało, ale ktoś w końcu musi odpowiadać za prokreację i lepszą przyszłość:grin:
Occam's Razor said:
I think Indukti is much more a clone of Tool. The only reference to Riverside is obviously Duda, and the songs with his vocals are the weakest on SUSAR to me. But again, that's because I do not like his voice.
There is definitely something that resembles Tool (like the drums on no. 11812 and no 11811 - they sound to me like Tool played backwards ;) ), but on most of the songs the main themes seem to meander into Indukti's own twisted territory. As far as Duda's voice is concerned, I think it really adds something to Riveride's sound and it's quite characteristic (is it the way that his voice tends to tremble that makes you dislike it ?:p ). Indukti reminds me also a bit of another Polish band called Ankh (probably because of the violin).
I own "Out of Myself" and it is IMO a great album!! I love it!!
On the "Delicious Agony Progressive Rock Radio" (www.deliciousagony.com) I've heard some songs of SLS and the Indukti-Album and found them very convincing!!!! But where the fuck should I get all this fucking money from I'd need to buy all these brilliant records????? (I still haven't got Orchid, MAYH, Morningrise and Blackwater Park.... :()