Are Burzum's two ambient albums really that bad?


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I've been listening to a lot of Dargaard and DVKE and Pazuzu. I always listen to Lord Wind, which is brilliant.

So I must ask those in the know, are Daudi Bauldrs and Hliskahrjkf (whatever) really as bad as some say? I actually dug the ambient tracks on Det Som Engang Var, especially that science fiction sounding one. Do the two albums sound like that? Or are they more lke Hate Forest ambient tracks?

Just curious. Lord Wind got me thinking about 'em.
Hlidskalf is considered to be bad? That was the first Burzum I ever got. Haven't heard it in a couple of years, so I don't know, maybe it's dated or something. Otherwise, I remember really liking it. Maybe I'll listen to it again and see...

Never heard Daudi Baldrs.
They are both excellent. I prefer Hidjkjkajlkjdslkjh though. The people bashing it are the people who cannot accept change or really just don't like that type of music/ambience so their opinions dont matter.
I actually like them both, although some people might find them kind of boring and casio-sounding. The music remains me a bit of old Mortiis, that I also enjoy quite much.

I hate to see reviews where people says those Burzum- and Mortiis-albums are boring and repeating, since sometimes that's the way it's meant to be. If I like to hear a lot of stuff happening and constant changing, I'd put something else to my player.
Don't listen to Chedsey. They're OK at least and great at best. "Dauði Baldrs" suffers from cheesy keyboard sounds but the compositions are good, "Hliðskjálf" has better sound but I'm not quite sure about it still... Some songs are really good while others are just fucking annoying. Basically... Pick them up if you see them cheap, you will likely get some enjoyment out of them, but I would guess there's better stuff in the genre.
Technically its Burzum's 2 and 1/2 ambient albums since half half of Filosofem (amazing album) is ambient. Burzums ambient albums never bothered me. I rather liked the minamalistic compositions on Daudi Baldrs.
Well technically it's Burzum's 2.725392412 ambient albums since "Dungeons of Darkness" and "Tomhet" and "Den Onde Kysten" and "Han som Reiste" and...

M.Lehto said:
I actually like them both, although some people might find them kind of boring and casio-sounding. The music remains me a bit of old Mortiis, that I also enjoy quite much.

I hate to see reviews where people says those Burzum- and Mortiis-albums are boring and repeating, since sometimes that's the way it's meant to be. If I like to hear a lot of stuff happening and constant changing, I'd put something else to my player.
I agree with this. Maybe you should give Mortiis a go. I think "The Stargate" is rather excellent, even if it does suffer from a HORRIBLE front cover.
I'll maybe check the Burzum's out if I see 'em fairly cheap.

Only Mortiis I ever heard was Smell of Rain which was dreadful. Stargate's the one where Mortiis looks like a cartoon flying in the sky, right? hehe
I haven't heard "The Smell of Rain" but I remember hearing it was getting a lot of play time on Kerrang! TV here in the UK, along with the likes of Nickelback, Linkin Park etc. So I highly doubt it has anything to do with earlier stuff.
Black Winter Day said:
Wow, you've told me that twice in the past 24 hours. I feel special!l.l.l!!l.!
