Are 'metal heads' weak individuals?

JoeVice said:
to me, it is weak to criticize or love music by genre...instead of the music itself...comments such as "this isn't real metal," is weak. it seems like to many people are stuck on their genre...they "wear the cross on their shoulder" with their preferred genre. they get offended when someone doesn't like it.

i have even heard comments like "i won't listen to tool, because of their fans." <--wtf?
How ridiculous is that? or "i won't listen to bands that try to convey an image." aren't you trying to convey an image by taking a stand on such a thing?

THANK YOU!!! Who cares what little pathetic niche each band should fit into? If you like it, you like it.... that's the only thing that matters! I can listen to Audioslave, then Slayer, then Default, the Dimmu Borgir, then Jim Croce ... they are all the same, because i like them all
ZoMb!M@N said:
i'm having fun ... poking fun ... to me, metal music is fun .... it's about losing your mind and rocking out .... people like you who come off all straight laced bug me ..... you've done nothing but criticize my posts .. so i'm giving back

I haven't met anyone from Texas that wasn't an asshole ... just my experience's a philosophy forum, there's suppose to be a bit of criticism.

As for having not met anyone from Texas that wasn't an asshole..well, what can I say? You've met the wrong people. Texas has roughly the same asshole to "nice people" ratio as most other places.
The Devil's Steed said:'s a philosophy forum, there's suppose to be a bit of criticism.

As for having not met anyone from Texas that wasn't an asshole..well, what can I say? You've met the wrong people. Texas has roughly the same asshole to "nice people" ratio as most other places.

Philosophy does not create criticism, it creates conversation, people expressing their points of view. The way you seem to approach is that you are right, others are wrong ... quite different.

The above is not a criticism, but a viewpoint .. see the difference?
^^^ If you're trying to be unbiased or view what's going on from an external angle, then I agree with that approach.

Nevertheless, viewpoint and criticism have a thin line between them, one could easily be used as a representation for the other.
ZoMb!M@N said:
... Are you saying that all women that have the occasional one-night stand are whores and have severe psychological issues? Sounds to me like someone has spent too many nights alone spanking off wishing they could find one of these so-called whores.

... Women have every right to express their sexuality as men do. Given, all of us have to be alot more careful nowadays, but why is it that a premiscuous woman is a whore, but a premiscuous man is a stud? It makes you wonder if the person making the statement has been unlucky with the opposite sex.

... I was making a point. i was not saying that to be a metalhead, you are supposed to have sex with random partners on a nightly basis. I was reiterating the sad but true double standard that women are given.

ZoMb!M@N - it's a real relief to see someone finally make a comment in the UM Forums overall that stand up for women/women's rights.

Excuse any forthcoming extremisms and generalisations:

I (keep in mind, I'm male) must admit, I am a feminist of sorts. I have really big issues with the way women have been treated over time. While many are quick to say that women seem to be weaker, I actually find MEN to be the weaker gender: we are unable to physically reproduce, we lack the emotional maturity that women have, we lack the mental powers that women have, we lack the problem solving skills that women have, we DO NOT have the physical strength to give birth nor the mental or emotional strength to create life, and among many other things I can think of, we lack the pure and incredible beauty women have.

I *LOVE* women. They are incredibly amazing human beings, and I detest anyone or anything which may oppress women. Any man who r@pes a woman should be given death, no questions asked, as this is not only a crime against women, it is a crime against humanity!!! NO ONE has the right to stripe someone of their dignity and basic rights like that, it is purely evil!

The double-standards that women still face today in the twenty-first century makes me want to puke, it is outright digusting and should never have existed in the first place! There should never have been a situation created where women need be questioned, because the oppression towards women should never have taken place: men are just pathetically weak given their stupid lust for power and control.

A woman DOES have as much right to choose her partner(s) as any man does, she is a human being after all! She is not a whore, any more than a man is a morally starved pig! For any criticism men lash towards women, there are multiple faults in men with which to easily retort.

Men need to wake up and learn to respect women far more than they do.. It makes me bloody ashamed to be of this gender sometimes, when I hear digusting comments in the streets, pubs and god knows where else which are chauvenistic.

Part of being a man is knowing how to treat, understand, and give to a woman, and also be able to accept graciously back in return, not being able to beat your chest and skin game while on the hunt! Damn any man who demoralises women.

*sigh* - okay, now I am done. I just had to get that off my chest. It's one of the single most huge topics of me, I am extremely defensive for women. Apologies if any offence is caused to anyone.

... okay, back to the music, yes?
ZoMb!M@N said:
i was making a point. i was not saying that to be a metalhead, you are supposed to have sex with random partners on a nightly basis. I was reiterating the sad but true double standard that women are given.
sad but true double standard then... yes, i would agree that such double standards are absurd and those who put merit to them are fools...

and is part of the reason why i laugh in the face of "womens rights groups" because nearly all of these organizations promote double standards. they argue because "women are weaker..." "less likely to..." etc etc and so petition for benefits and handicaps, as if the very things they claim to strike down are truth. i take a different approach. man, woman, or unknown, i treat every human being the same way. i do not hold doors for women. that would show thoughts of weakness towards them, as if they are unable to open doors without assistance. of course, if someone looks like they need help or asks for it, i will gladly aid. i show no favor towards men or women in social and workplace respects. i would hold both sexes acountable for their behavior in the same regard. a woman who acts like a whore is no different than a man who acts like a whore, both are dishonorable in my eyes.
though a common view of metal-heads is that the men are "manly" and screw many girls, and the women are all whores, i think this common view is flawed and the stereotype should be destroyed.
I agree with parts of what you've said there SS, but I have to admit, I *DO* hold doors open for women. It's not an admission of weakness, it's a sign of respect and honour.
The Hubster said:
While many are quick to say that women seem to be weaker, I actually find MEN to be the weaker gender: we are unable to physically reproduce, we lack the emotional maturity that women have, we lack the mental powers that women have, we lack the problem solving skills that women have, we DO NOT have the physical strength to give birth nor the mental or emotional strength to create life, and among many other things I can think of, we lack the pure and incredible beauty women have.

I disagree with this. Men in general do not lack the "emotional maturity" that you claim women to have. Sure, if you only look at the stereotypical man who only leaves the chair to take a piss between football games, sure, you have a point. And we are no more physically unable to reproduce than women are. In spite of what some of you may believe, babies are not magically dropped down the chimney by the stork. It's a two-way process. As for the lack of ability to solve problems, I think it's just the opposite; that men are more able to put their feelings aside and come up with a solution that's not influenced by feelings.
ZoMb!M@N said:
Philosophy does not create criticism, it creates conversation, people expressing their points of view. The way you seem to approach is that you are right, others are wrong ... quite different.

The above is not a criticism, but a viewpoint .. see the difference?

Criticism is a part of discussion. I didn't mean to come across as insulting you though, like you seem to think I did.
Crimson Velvet said:
In spite of what some of you may believe, babies are not magically dropped down the chimney by the stork. It's a two-way process.

The stork thing ISNT true?

hmm. I'm going to have to have words with some people, I've been lied to!

Crimson Velvet said:
As for the lack of ability to solve problems, I think it's just the opposite; that men are more able to put their feelings aside and come up with a solution that's not influenced by feelings.

That's not necessarily a good thing, depending on the problem. Mind you, I am an extremely emotional man, so I view lack of emotion as a minus. My bias I guess :-/
Crimson Velvet said:
I disagree with this. Men in general do not lack the "emotional maturity" that you claim women to have. Sure, if you only look at the stereotypical man who only leaves the chair to take a piss between football games, sure, you have a point. And we are no more physically unable to reproduce than women are. In spite of what some of you may believe, babies are not magically dropped down the chimney by the stork. It's a two-way process. As for the lack of ability to solve problems, I think it's just the opposite; that men are more able to put their feelings aside and come up with a solution that's not influenced by feelings.

Arguing egotistically about who is better at what gets us nowhere; what would be most helpful is recognition that men and women are different, and are both necessary. A state of equilibrium needs to be achieved on a social level, and society is surely attempting that, yet we're doing it all wrong - the jobs in this society considered most fit for men are still being championed as "better" jobs and women are all trying to be better than men at them, rather than having the jobs most fit for women championed equally to those for men. Of course, most of the jobs done in modern society are pretty worthless anyway, but in context to these thoughts that's not too relevant.

When we start embracing diversity again; when women are no longer fearful of a patriachal conspiracy and men are no longer feeling threatened that women will somehow become *better men* than they'll ever be thus rendering them valueless, we can begin to approach the subject rationally and civilly, deciding which sex is generally best designed for which jobs (and making a few exceptions when necessary on a practical level).

Until then, this is just another way we will remain at war with ourselves. It's absolutely terrifying that what I've just described is such an unrealistic concept in this day and age.
That's an extremely good and insightful post, GoD, and I agree with every aspect of it. I never meant to try to make out men as the "better sex" in my post, but I see that it might have come forth as that. In my defense, I was very tired... :\
Hey but that's the beauty of this place, at least we're not arguing about whether some guitarist and whether his hair is metal enough, we're having political and intelligent discussion here. It's healthy.
Gallantry over Docility said:
Arguing egotistically about who is better at what gets us nowhere; what would be most helpful is recognition that men and women are different, and are both necessary. A state of equilibrium needs to be achieved on a social level, and society is surely attempting that, yet we're doing it all wrong - the jobs in this society considered most fit for men are still being championed as "better" jobs and women are all trying to be better than men at them, rather than having the jobs most fit for women championed equally to those for men. Of course, most of the jobs done in modern society are pretty worthless anyway, but in context to these thoughts that's not too relevant.

When we start embracing diversity again; when women are no longer fearful of a patriachal conspiracy and men are no longer feeling threatened that women will somehow become *better men* than they'll ever be thus rendering them valueless, we can begin to approach the subject rationally and civilly, deciding which sex is generally best designed for which jobs (and making a few exceptions when necessary on a practical level).

Until then, this is just another way we will remain at war with ourselves. It's absolutely terrifying that what I've just described is such an unrealistic concept in this day and age.

i stand for equality through equal action, not bias to make up for some phantom unfairness synthesized to keep this seperation in existence
I don't know if I really conform to anything...I wear what I like to, regardless, and sometimes for comfort more than fashion. I have long hair because I don't look good with shorter hair, and because of lack of time and money as well as general laziness my usual "uniform" is a T-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans, usually black [Though I've been known to wear blue or green]

Conforming in a way to a group isn't as bad as people say - the way someone dresses may convey their interests, personality, taste in music, and things that you might have in common with them and isn't that the point? To associate yourself with like-minded individuals. It's ticks me off to no end, however that stupid trendoids will float between one subculture and the next without full knowledge of what exactly it is or what anything means. I fear that metal culture is next to turn into a trend...I'll kill them >:-|
Zmrazeny Vlk? A ty si odkial? Cechy, Slovensko? Metal will never become a trend, because of its complexity. And the shorter songs which could eventually be played on the radio stations are the most brutal, hehehe!