Are Metalheads Liberals or Conservatives


Lord of Utumno
Apr 15, 2004
My question to you is pretty much, what is the political stance of most Death metal fans
I'm more of a black metal fan but I'll answer anyway. I hate politics. There is no one in politics that represents my views at all so therefore I recount, I hate politics.
this is a really good thread so im going to vent.
i used to care about what happened to this world because i am big on lookin after it. i want my kids and grankids to have somewhere beautiful to live and so i always used to get pissed off when the world would shaft itself because of greed and hate and all those other little human traits that always seem to get in the way of doing the right thing for everybody, that was untill i finally realised that the problem isnt that we havent found a way that works for everybody but that there IS no way for it to work for everybody. for centuries governments have tried and failed to give everybody what they want because its an impossible task. there will always be that group who have power and that group who want power and nothing will change because of it. thats when i stopped caring about the whole world. i hate all governments because they are all still trying to tell me what to do and how to live. if a guy comes into my house and tries to steal my shit im not allowed to bash him or kill him if he has tried to kill me.I gave up on the world and now all i want is my own little piece so that I am the one in charge and if somebody wants to come onto my land and try and stop me from living my life the way i intend to live it i will make them disappear and continue living. so i suppose the answer is im not liberal or conservative. i live for me and n e body else who shares the same dream. its those people who really count in my books.
I think there are just as many either way... like a crosssection of the population.

I have to say this about either extreme: conservatives=logical, liberals=emotional

Personally I'm really conservative. I think any band that has a political message or agenda can go fuck off. I despise politics enough as it is, and don't like it invading my music (which I consider a nice escape from reality)
Xenophobe's not one of us.

Not one of us.
Not one of us.
Not one of us...
xenophobe said:
I have to say this about either extreme: conservatives=logical, liberals=emotional
I know, let us all sing the bollox song! Bollox, Bollox, xenophobe is full of shit.

Personally I'm really conservative. I think any band that has a political message or agenda can go fuck off. I despise politics enough as it is, and don't like it invading my music (which I consider a nice escape from reality)
Probably, because you don't understand it nor care to figure it out.
LordMorgoth said:
My question to you is pretty much, what is the political stance of most Death metal fans

Death metal, barring a few oddballs, is usually liberal or apolitical, and the fans pretty much the same.

As for my politics, I'm just me. Liberal on this issue, conservative on that one, anarchist over here, and no doubt I've been a little bit fascist over one question or another. Until you run for government, and have to choose a set of colours to nail to your mast, there's really no need to choose yourself a fixed place in the continuum of political taxonomy.