Are Metallica Set To Take Over...Again?

  • Thread starter Thread starter King Purple Rainbow
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As the kid in his high school who went around supporting Metallica and growing up on all of their music, there is part of me that would love to hear them come out with some badass shit. Unfortunately, there are facts. They have families now. They have been saying that they would come out with a new album since 2000, and it's still only made it to bs rumors as to when it will come out. I think we should all just leave 'em be, cause what they left us with the first three albums completely kicks ass, and brought a new standard to metal back in the day. As for now, new bands are there kickin ass, so I feel Metallica did all they could... Anyway, it's a shame they couldn't be like Iron Maiden, fuckin old as hell and still kickin off great shit.
I could believe that Metallica still has a few decent tunes in 'em, but I seriously doubt we'll see another classic album. Commercially Black was the most popular, but we all (the real fans) know that even that album was kind

No more Cliff, no more drunken mischief, that WAS Metallica.
Originally posted by Bubonic Chronic
I could believe that Metallica still has a few decent tunes in 'em, but I seriously doubt we'll see another classic album. Commercially Black was the most popular, but we all (the real fans) know that even that album was kind

No more Cliff, no more drunken mischief, that WAS Metallica.

ya, i think thats a good point, puppets, ride, and justice...
are the best out of there stuff. and S&M...well i didnt like it as much, sure it has classical parts. but damn it if you make a song you better be able to play it live, cause when ever i hear master or puppets they never finish it( sometimes they do ). and disposable heros, ive only heard once live and that's it:( :mad:
Good Call, when Cliff left a huge part of what Metallica was Died. We all know it was Cliff who made the rest get lessons, to teach Hammett how to solo right, and to teach Lars how drums work ... Not to mention his endless headbanging techniques and those simple sweet bass solos that we all know and love. When Cliff died the band clearly stopped writing the music for the music and began to care about their outward appearance with the release of their first video, Cliff em All, and then turning right around onto MTV with the One Video. Granted that video and the song were both sweet, it was then that Metallica began to die musically. Nobody really noticed until they had a three year break in releases and Load came out... Anyway, I still love the Metallica of old, and their Metal will always live on.
You're right on all points except Cliff didn't teach Kirk how to solo - that was Joe Satriani.

The irony is I think that Jason was the coolest member of the band post Cliff. Even though he was in it the least amount of time, to me he was the most METAL!!
Originally posted by Mr.Painkiller
Good Call, when Cliff left a huge part of what Metallica was Died. We all know it was Cliff who made the rest get lessons, to teach Hammett how to solo right, and to teach Lars how drums work ... Not to mention his endless headbanging techniques and those simple sweet bass solos that we all know and love. When Cliff died the band clearly stopped writing the music for the music and began to care about their outward appearance with the release of their first video, Cliff em All, and then turning right around onto MTV with the One Video. Granted that video and the song were both sweet, it was then that Metallica began to die musically. Nobody really noticed until they had a three year break in releases and Load came out... Anyway, I still love the Metallica of old, and their Metal will always live on.


well cliff could only carry a band of sloppy musicans so long... we all knew a black or load album was around the corner...
not to detract from cliff's tallents btw... cliff was the only thing that impressed me in metallica ocationaly hatfield would pull off a good solo also... the intro to dammage incorperated is the best thing they'v ever done... and thats just pure cliff.

While I cannot deny that I still find a lot of the lead work on AJFA pretty mind-blowing, I have to agree that Metallica are pretty sloppy musicians that have only gotten worse.

Listen to the Seattle live video. They were pretty tight on that - respectable. Kirk's solo was decent and fairly short and Jason's solo included To Live is to Die - which sounded great with bass for a change. Then listen to the Mexico City CD's or watch the videos and there's a big drop in performance level there. The guitar solo should be redubbed a gutter solo - it sounds like some kid wanking off in a Guitar Center. They didn't finish Puppets and there wasn't even a whisper of anything off AJFA - too hard for 'em!

For the last ten years the Metallica live set has been all but devoid of the best material - such as the Puppets outro. I was lucky enough to see it, though, when I saw them in '96. Still, it's like this band has no fucking clue what people want to hear. The fans want Shortest Straw or Leper Messiah - screw the new prep crowd, let them leave after "Until It Sleeps" so the floor can open up to the real fans.

Sorry, I'm just venting.
It'll be O.K....

I've heard snippets of the new stuff...

I think the Metallicomeback is in the works...
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
It'll be O.K....

I've heard snippets of the new stuff...

I think the Metallicomeback is in the works...
I can see them writing more cool stuff, but I can't see it being embraced by the metal community at large any more. A lot of the black and death metal crowd already gave up on them, and these were the people who initially gave them their commercial success. Good luck competing with the likes of Opeth, Hypocrisy, Dimmu Borgir and the like.
Well, I'm a huge fan of Opeth, but they won't achieve the success that Metallica already have. Metallica's reputation precedes them. Metallica fans are being born as we speak. They will always have a large audience.
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
...Metallica fans are being born as we speak. They will always have a large audience.
I think the demographic of the audience has changed, though. I went to buy tickets for one of their tours in a Damage, Inc. T-shirt and I was the only one there with long hair. Everyone else had like Abercrombie and Bitch or Tommy and the place smelled like a vietnamese brothel. I just walked out and didn't bother getting tickets.
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
A fan is a fan. I don't care what they look like.
I'm not trying to stop them from liking Metallica. I just have noticed that the long-haired, black t-shirt wearing variety that put Metallica where they're at is, let's say, thinning out a bit at the box office.

You go see Slayer, it's all metalheads. Slayer is just as old, but for some reason the metal crowd still has faith in them. It's probably because Slayer isn't going out courting the trendy crowd. They feel they would lose their integrity, as Metallica has.

I don't blame the fans, I blame Metallica and the music industry.
So, you think Metallica will not take over and make a killer CD?
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
So, you think Metallica will not take over and make a killer CD?
A killer CD would not surprise me. Taking over? They already are legends and even a mediocre album would put them in the spotlight again for a while. Still, I think they are lost on the metal community at large. I'll still buy it even if its shit, as will a lot of old and loyal fans, but the new Eurometal fanatics probably just won't care.

So yes and no. They can take over again commercially and with old fans, but your average Satiricon fan is probably not going to be turned on (unless they are already a Metallica fan.)
What if the CD were so impressive...not exactly thrash, but really elaborate...a return to form, so to say?