Are Metallica Set To Take Over...Again?

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Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
What if the CD were so impressive...not exactly thrash, but really elaborate...a return to form, so to say?
If it were as good as AJFA but WITH bass this time I could see it. They were really ahead of their time with that album. I hear echoes of that in Opeth and other more modern metal these days, more that a decade later.

If they 'return to form' there will be a lot of happy Metfans!!!!

...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL with bass! L O L ! ! ! :lol:

Oh, you bet there will be some happy Metfans!
But with their age and their finacial comfort, I don't see that's a little sad. But I know I'll enjoy it still.
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
But with their age and their finacial comfort, I don't see that's a little sad. But I know I'll enjoy it still.
Yah, their great music was written when they lived with Anthrax or on a tour bus and Coor's Light was breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's hard to have the same attitude when you're talking about caviar and champagne.
But with all that's happened to Jaymz (with rehab and all), I can see some pretty intense songs...
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
But with all that's happened to Jaymz (with rehab and all), I can see some pretty intense songs...
Heroin is not exactly conducive to metal. Now if he was a grunger I would expect some brilliant shit out of him because of that. Maybe if it was coke, hmm...I don't know about that. Cleaning up seemed to work out for Stevie Ray Vaughan, so maybe it will generate some creative energy. I hope so.
Those are two awesome CD's. Opeth are an incredible band, without question.
Once you hear "April Ethereal" from MY ARMS, YOUR HEARSE, you'll drop your jaw.
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
I love that box set, though. Raw and filled with energy!
I just couldn't believe a guitar tech didn't notice that Jaymz guitar was out. I've always though the early part of Seattle sounded kind of odd, but never until yesterday sat down and figured out why. Either Jaymz is sharp or Kirk is flat, but I'm pretty sure it's Jaymz.
I never really noticed. I'll have to give it another listen... was MY ARMS, YOUR HEARSE?
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow was MY ARMS, YOUR HEARSE?
Bad ass! Still, Opeth isn't the kind of band you can just listen to once and get it. I'm going to have to here it probably ten times before it really starts coming together.

Those guys are so sophisticated, I can't believe they actually play death metal! It's what I've been searching for for years.
It's like discovering gold...I'm so glad I found them as well. ORCHID is still my favourite...and MORNINGRISE is just as epic.
Originally posted by King Purple Rainbow
It's like discovering gold...I'm so glad I found them as well. ORCHID is still my favourite...and MORNINGRISE is just as epic.
I'm letting my fanship grow album by album. Actually I discovered the band live when they opened up for Amorphis. They were basically like the higher evolution of Amorphis, so I just thought is was about the coolest shit ever. Since I've been buying the records in order of release I can sort of feel like I've been with them since the beginning, which is unfortunately not the case.