Are Orphaned Land the "oddball" band?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Has this been mentioned anywhere? If they are the oddball band, is it because they have occasional death vox? Also, previous oddball bands (Mercenary and Into Eternity) have been openers, not #3 slots...
I believe they are the oddball band just because of the death vocals, plus the whole middle eastern roots....

Now, you can't forget that Devin Townsend was an oddball once and he played the third slot in 2002 =)
Mercenary wasn't an opener. I'm pretty sure they were a number 3 slot actually.

Nothing in the 'rules' that says the Oddball band has to play a certain slot. They could be a headliner or an opener or anything in between as far as I know.
Mephistopheles said:
Mercenary wasn't an opener. I'm pretty sure they were a number 3 slot actually.

Nothing in the 'rules' that says the Oddball band has to play a certain slot. They could be a headliner or an opener or anything in between as far as I know.

Mercenary actually played in the 2nd slot on Friday night. VandenPlas was third.

Seems to me that Orphaned Land and PC69 are both "oddballs," and both are in the 3rd slot. One is a Middle Eastern Death band and the other an 80's Metal band. That's fine with me. I'm looking forward to both with hopes that OL focuses mostly on Mabool. That's a great album IMO, but their back catalog is a bit too death for my taste.
I have heard that the Devin Townsend show was quite good, but then again I like the guy's music.
Mephistopheles said:
I heard from a lot of people that saw the Devin show at ProgPower that it wasn't so hot... but I haven't figured out if it was a bad show or if they just don't like Devin.

Well...Devy's an interesting guy to have at the fest. On one hand, a lot of the 'power" fans might find him too prog for their tastes...but the prog fans might find him too "screamy" for their tastes. So I'm gonna guess its mostly the latter reason for the poor reaction to Devy's set.
Yngvai X said:
Well...Devy's an interesting guy to have at the fest. On one hand, a lot of the 'power" fans might find him too prog for their tastes...but the prog fans might find him too "screamy" for their tastes. So I'm gonna guess its mostly the latter reason for the poor reaction to Devy's set.

Ah, yes, the "poor reaction" to Devy's set.

Do you mean this one?


Or this one?


Or maybe this reaction?


I noticed his audience increased, not decreased, during his set. Not bad for a "poor reaction." :tickled:

And sure, I know most of the 'l33t' power-metal fans, if they were in there at all, were suffering throughout the show. That's standard fare for any non-powermetal band at PPUSA. But I'm not sure I would qualify the reaction as "poor." (I'm far from being a disinterested observer, of course.)
Oh good. Devin's a genius, in my opinion, and I'd hate to see his audience decrease due to too many unsatisfied l33t power-metal fans
I have only heard the one song from the audio page, but it totally rocks. True they maybe oddball but who really cares. The point is that they rock and if they are rocking and there is the demand for the band to play and then Glenn should try to get them to play.
PC69 is a sorta-oddball because they don't fit smoothly into either a prog- or power-metal categorization. Orphaned Land (and Therion, too) are oddballs because of the occasional use of growly vox. So, yeah, bring on the oddballs! :D
Devin did not get a poor reaction... Obviously you cant compare to the reaction given to the headliners.... But it was a good reaction considering the amount of people that actually knew and liked the bands...
We do seem to have more unconventional choices this year than in the past. But I'm okay with it because none of them are REALLY deathy. Into Eternity had too much death metal for my tastes.