Are people becoming more anti-social these days?


May 15, 2003
Rockanje, Netherlands
I dunno, it just seems people are getting busier, or acting busy, and forgetting about others these days.
Christ, these days we have to take out our agenda's to see when we have time for eachother.
Money aplenty but it don't mean shit....
Since internet appeared as a sheep and very simpel way of communication, people have turned really asocial. It's pretty boring in the end actually... It's like working all week, communicating by MSN etc. and then you meet your friends at parties on the weekends. It's never like "Come on over" anymore... As I said, pretty boring and depressing in the end... :p
What can you do, everywhere you look, society is corrupting the mass population. Standards are set so high in this fast-paced world, fads separate the conformists (so-called cool people) from the losers (openminded individuals).
we are classifying people and people classifying us this makes lots of groups and you must join in these groups to exist so that we can not communicate other groups or people (to join in some groups you must be the enemy of the some) but can we exist in our groups perfectly?
NO we can not cause we usually dont join only one group we join in more that's making our loners we think that noone can understand us we are begining to hate everyone some of us dont communicate with others some of us communicate to use them we are losing friends everyday cause we are still growing up (we are still changing) it is begining to be hard to trust anyone we are thinking too much or we are thinking not

read the posts about metalheads? "non-metalheads said that..." "the guy who think that he is a metalhead(cause he is listening .....)
we cause these problems and we have to deal with them

"what is wrong not with the world but me?"
since our everyday life has nothing to do with being social anymore.. there's nothing for it but taking a distance, i don't mean our friends or people in general but the plenty of 'social' (he he) certain engagements we have to deal with daily.. it comes even natural to be thoroughly detached at the end of the day..
well, daily life is quite fast...everyone wants it done quick and right...
and most of us sometimes feel that "if you dont think like me then fuck off", so i think it's most like lack of tolerance and understanding.

anyway, we're so fuckin much now, and we'd better try to have a good time together.

hail all antisocials gathered here. :headbang:
yes its true that people are more anti social these days. I think it sucks but there is no way to deal with. I try to be nice to people but if they are not nice to me then it doesnt work. Most people are so stressful they are makeing me stressy too, that sucks. Everything has to be done fast etc, they are livng as a slavo imo. Always angry, bitching at you when they dont know you, treating you like you dont want to be treated.
being anti-social is usually doing something that society does not accept as being...."right" Like..taking a piss in the public water fountain. I really don't think there's been more of that kind of stuff goign on recently.

people are bigger pussies nowadays, and hide behind this dumb internet to express their opinions/emotions/feelings. As opposed to confronting people on a personal level.

It is kind of pathetic. But, oh well. Lots of good have come from it as well.

who knows what ditch I'd be lying in if I'd never seen the HAmpster Dance. I mean....really. :worship: