Are prog fans "hostile"?

Are prog fans "hostile"?

  • Yes, I guess so

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • No, not really

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • I am too elitist for this poll

    Votes: 11 31.4%

  • Total voters
My opinion: Don't respect Rap-Rock or Pop-Rock because they receive enough recognition. Hell, being a huge Prog elitist as myself, I just can't stand tolerating that crap anymore. I used to be much more open-minded when dealing with music but I just couldn't stand the shit that most people listen to. *cough most 16 year olds cough* Most are too enamoured with the trends and fashions that it has blinded them.
Rose Immortal said:
Out of curiosity, which albums did you try?

Im gonna be honest, my impression of Pink Floyd comes from the radio, I know I shouldnt judge a band based on a few songs on the radio but........I dont know. Pink Floyd Just seems to be too.....lets say slow paced. For me that is I mean someone else might think different but thats just how I feel.
wayne the goblin/robot said:
Im gonna be honest, my impression of Pink Floyd comes from the radio, I know I shouldnt judge a band based on a few songs on the radio but........I dont know. Pink Floyd Just seems to be too.....lets say slow paced. For me that is I mean someone else might think different but thats just how I feel.
check out Echoes. it may change your opinion as it is a "best of" of sorts, and includes some more upbeat stuff.

@met pt.2: its true a lot of 16yr olds listen to pop rock and rap rock, but its also true a lot of 18yr olds listen to prog metal and nu metal. should it therefore be given less recognition? or, one could ask, should jazz and classical be given less recognition because they are so widely accepted/taught?

i think not...
Silent Song said:
check out Echoes. it may change your opinion as it is a "best of" of sorts, and includes some more upbeat stuff.

@met pt.2: its true a lot of 16yr olds listen to pop rock and rap rock, but its also true a lot of 18yr olds listen to prog metal and nu metal. should it therefore be given less recognition? or, one could ask, should jazz and classical be given less recognition because they are so widely accepted/taught?

i think not...

thanks, ill check it out

I love it when metropolis gets pwned hehe he
Simply put: Yes, I think fans of prog can be very snobby, moreso than the fanbases of most other genres (Besides black metal. And no, this is not an unfair generalization :lol: ). My theory is that people are so hostile toward prog because prog fans look down on people who listen to other styles.

I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this. I'm a metal snob from time to time, and I don't even listen to very much prog. I've been all kinds of genre snob before I realized how pointless it is. And like me, most prog-elitists grow out of it.
You know, I think prog fans are quite snobby, elitist, etc. Even more than other genre fans (prehaps with the exception of classical and jazz). But so are all kind of genre fans. You know, anyone who is a fan of a specific genre is elitist, and snobby. Have you ever seen a rap fan praising someone who isn't a rapper? A metalhead praising anyone who isn't metal?

So now I say, why are progfans called elitist, when everyone is? The reason I think is that progfans take everything too seriously, and that they seem to look at themselves as smarter because they like the better (ie: the most intrincate, etc, although I don't think prog is the most intrincate anyway) music. And there's the difference.
A rapper/whatever will just tell you: "Yeah, SX sucks. Listen to <any band>". Progfans would typically go along the lines of: "No, you are wrong, because <insert guitar player> is much better, he can sweep pick at 200 bpm... blah blah blah" and talk about 20 minutes, with a teacher-like tone, and generally never accepting that there is actually some good stuff happening in other music.
wayne the goblin/robot said:
Im gonna be honest, my impression of Pink Floyd comes from the radio, I know I shouldnt judge a band based on a few songs on the radio but........I dont know. Pink Floyd Just seems to be too.....lets say slow paced. For me that is I mean someone else might think different but thats just how I feel.

Ahh, OK...if that's the case then, I doubt I could get you into their whole catalogue at all. I mean, I do think you've described most of their stuff pretty accurately.

I'm not so crazy about that idea of getting Echoes. It's a 2-disc set, there's some awful editing on there, and I think it's only worth it if you can find a used copy.

You may want to try Animals, though. That's the one Floyd album I can imagine you liking, because it's a lot edgier than normal for them. That album borders on punk rock, but very prog. See if you can download either "Dogs", "Pigs", or "Sheep", the three main songs. You don't hear these on the radio.
It's interesting to see what everyone has had to say. I find myself agreeing with points saying no, it's not true, as well as posts confirming my thoughts. Right now it's hard what to believe!
Beelzebub said:
It's interesting to see what everyone has had to say. I find myself agreeing with points saying no, it's not true, as well as posts confirming my thoughts. Right now it's hard what to believe!
I'd say it's a fair bit of both. I've seen it, I've probably done it at one time or another. I don't do it anymore. I'm much more conscience of it since marrying a woman that likes a lot of indie music, which I've come to like(some of it, at least), as well. I think I've rubbed off on her, too, because she loves going to prog concerts now. I think we both have better perspective on what each other sees/hears in the music we love.
i think thats awesome weenur and have similar experiences :Spin:

music is something not created for oneself alone, it is to be shared... a connecting medium between people and ideas. before i get philosophical, just wanna say i think its great when people share music. that is, offer yours to another person, and accept theirs. without both sides making an effort, then yes people will appear snobby and may miss something they might really learn to like.

Would this be hostile?:

Kid: Hey what're you listening to?
anick01: ELP and Fates Warning. It's a mix tape.
Kid: Who and who?
anick01: Emerson, Lake, and Palmer? Fates Warning? Come on, kid, get some taste!
Kid: Are they like G-Unit? I like GGGGGGG-G-UNIT! Straight up, y'all!

*decapitates kid*

Hmmm...I guess that would be hostility.
I sometimes get a little annoyed when friends of mine bash the music I listen to without actually listening to it, while I always give their stuff a chance. One of my friends insists that all Yngwie goes like 2 power chords followed by a scale played really fast, after he heard about 3 seconds of the intro to Valhalla...

hahaha dbz style:
kazahana said:
I sometimes get a little annoyed when friends of mine bash the music I listen to without actually listening to it, while I always give their stuff a chance. One of my friends insists that all Yngwie goes like 2 power chords followed by a scale played really fast, after he heard about 3 seconds of the intro to Valhalla...

hahaha dbz style:

The first 3 seconds of valhalla is thunder crashes.