when did you first get into prog/power metal?

May 9, 2003
I don't think I have ever started a thread here so I though I would give it a shot. I want to know what got you informed and into prog/power metal in the first place.

For me, I started getting annoyed of the same regurgetated music that the U.S. music industry throws at us. I got into a Japanese legendary metal band called X-Japan. Their music brought me a whole new view on how music should be written and played. They had great metal guitar playing, the most fast paced techinical drums I have ever heard, and added a flare of piano, violin, and even organs and harpsichord in some cases. A friend of mines' dad during that time would sell prog/metal music because he ordered cd's with his business license and wanted to listen to them and try to sell some as well. He would listen to the music at the store he managed and I would always hear the different bands he played of progressive and power metal. I found myself starting to enjoy the techinicality of the guitars and drums, and the sopistication of the many sounds and harmonies these bands would make using keyboards. They reminded me so much of X-Japan in that they mixed awesome metal music with other symphonic sounds that I thought were so great. The main difference is that they had a little more technicality with their guitars than X-Japan did and X-Japan always used a real piano and mostly violins as their "odd" instruments (mind I still think X-Japan has their own originality I still love till this day). I decided to purchase my first prog cd and did so by seeing a cd that had just come out by Symphony X called V. I asked the manager if he would pop it in to see what I though and I heard the intro and first part of Evolution and immediately fell in love with SX. Who would have thought that to this day my first prog metal band is still by a good margin my favorite.

Well that was a long story...sorry. So what is your story? I know that this sub genre of music is barely even heard of to the common person so I am interested to hear.
Well, basically for me, my dad was big into the 70s prog bands, so all while I was growing up thats what I was exposed to...stuff like Yes, Genesis, ELP etc. When I was about 13-14 I wanted to find out if there were any "newer" bands playing this kind of music, so I looked online and found Dream Theater. The next band in the prog/power genres I got into was Stratovarius, and then Angra. Symphony X didn't come along for another year or so.
The Yngster said:
I started to love metal the first time I heard Iced Earth, and I started to love shred the first time I heard Yngwie. Everything just kinda branched from there.

Wow, my story is very similar. Except i started to love metal when first hearing Fear Factory. Although this band was A BIT nu-metalish, they trained my ear for unique, faster drumming. I developed a taste for more technical stuff when i started guitar and found out that God (Kirk Hammet ahha) doesnt really play mega tough stuff after all. So....... someone suggested to me " V: The New Mythology Suite"

I am an old-schooler, 32. I got into progressive metal when I first heard Fates Warning-No Exit. It blew me away. So, I searched for more like it. I listened to a lot of different bands when I was that age. I was 16, 1986-87, when I first got that FW album.
Ahh I've answered this question a few times already on other threads.. SyX started me on the progressive-elitism phase i'm in now, before that was more a black sabbath girl, with a little thrash like pantera thrown in.. never until i heard SyX did i realise (like most of the mundane society still hasnt gotten) that metal doesnt mean heavy.. theres ALLLL kinds.. And yes I got that bs today as a matter of fact.. i dont look like a metal girl because i dont have tats and piercings and that 'metal is tuneless'..bah..idiots!
A long, strange musical trip for me........
#1 Herman's Hermits fan late 60s!,,,, Iron Butterfly, Strawberry Alarm Clock, etc. o_O (hehe) in the 60s, Sabbath, Uriah Heep, Tull, etc in early 70s, Canadian "folkie" music phase in 80s,,,,removed myself from the trash and hype in the 90s till I found Symphony X ("V") and realized immediately that this is where the true and honest talent is at and shall remain. Also found out that a few others understand this too (you guys). My wife and 3 kids are prog metal fans too, and the people at work call it my "midlife crisis". ("He'll snap out of it") :cool: .... Found many other good bands thru the Forum (thanks) and good, real people here too. Here's to a great future for progressive metal music, and I wish you all the very best. (Got to get that metal commune going!)


Oh yeah..forgot....I liked the Ramones, anybody else a Ramones fan in the 80s???? :)
nckissfan said:
I am an old-schooler, 32. I got into progressive metal when I first heard Fates Warning-No Exit. It blew me away. So, I searched for more like it. I listened to a lot of different bands when I was that age. I was 16, 1986-87, when I first got that FW album.

Wow, when I read your post I thought I had already posted and then forgotten about it!

My first prog metal experience was also with Fates Warning's "No Exit". I remember seeing the video for the title track on MTV and was blown away. Bought the album and loved it! It was by far my favorite album for at least a year or so. I lost interest in them after the next few albums which (to me) just got to a point where they were so technical they simply didn't groove anymore. They were too choppy with too many tempo changes and off-beats. Anyway, after years of finding and listening to relatively unknown bands (i.e. Crimson Glory, Sanctuary) and old favorites (i.e. Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Overkill, etc.) I finally discovered SyX - TDWOT. The rest, as they always say, is history! :)
The cool thing about having a metal brother much older than me is that he took me under his wing and showed me the light of awesome music. He'd always bring me CD's to hear, and the first prog/power stuff he gave me was Dream Theater and Symphony X. I didn't get into either one of them right away, but giving it time I soon fell in love with it, Symphony X especially. Now I'm hearing about bands and asking my brother, "Do you know this band? Do you know that band?" Pretty much all the band I listen to are thanks to him.
Well, I had always been into classic rock and nu metal and stuff, but something always seemed to be missing from music - I hadn't "clicked" with any of it.
Then my friend came over and said "My friend Jodie from Canada said to check this Rhapsody band out." I was utterly blown away by 'Emerald Sword.' So my friend tells me "If you like the classical and metal mix, download some Yngwie Malmsteen." Again, I was blown away. Then the same guy tells me to check out Dream Theater.

While I was hanging out on DT's guitarist's forum, there was a thread about this Symphony X band. "Cool name," I thought. So I downloaded Evolution and Smoke and Mirrors. The next day I was at the CD store, and the rest is history.
Mmph. I'd say around 1988 was when I started the transition out of standard cock rock into more interesting/political/thoughtful things... Queensryche, Testament, Savatage, and the like. I don't think I got into anything resembling *prog* until Dream Theater in 1992.
Hey scanner313, have you heard FW A Pleasent Shade Of Grey? That is a real good cd by them. They have a great groove going on in that album. I remember when I first heard Sanctuary. They opened for Megadeth, I was hooked, went and got it that next day, and have been a fan of Sanctuary/Nevermore since.
Another old-schooler here, 35. I was introduced to Rush when I was in high school, so that really set me on my path. I remember reading a review of Images and Words in Guitar World (I don't play) and thought it sounded cool. I bought the album and the rest is history, well, except for my musical "dark age" from about '94 to '99 when hearing about bands like SX was nearly impossible without Internet.
The Yngster said:
Yeah odyssey i did that too sort of. My path is
sum 41/linkin park->slipknot->iced earth->yngwie->symphony x

woah you must be pretty young as well with roots so recent. Its cool to know that other people my age (im 18) are prog fans.
The first power metal band I liked was Iron Maiden. I was completely blown away by "Brave New World" in 2000. It's a classic to me, yet only three years old. I then got into Bruce Dickinson's solo stuff (namely "The Chemical Wedding" and "Accident of Birth"), and to this day I enjoy it a little more than his work with Maiden. Iced Earth was also a band I liked a bit, before I realized that 95% of their material sounds identical. Still, that live album by them was awesome (for it's power).

Then my prog phases came. I downloaded "The Glass Prison" by Dream Theater and was blown away. I then purchased every DT album and cherished them for their technical talent (kind of stupid now that I think about it). I then got "Vapor Trails" by Rush, and proceeded to buy every Rush album (yeah, all 17 of them)...what a great band. Classic. Then right before Christmas '02, my brother discovered Symphony X, and he got "The Odyssey". I didn't really like them at first, but they grew on me with songs like "Wicked" and "King of Terrors". I received "The Odyssey" as a Christmas gift, and proceeded to buy all of Symphony X's albums (except for the self-titled...I haven't found that one yet). I've been hooked ever since, and they've been my favorite band for longer than any band in the past has.
Force10 said:
Another old-schooler here, 35. I was introduced to Rush when I was in high school, so that really set me on my path. I remember reading a review of Images and Words in Guitar World (I don't play) and thought it sounded cool. I bought the album and the rest is history, well, except for my musical "dark age" from about '94 to '99 when hearing about bands like SX was nearly impossible without Internet.

Greets, fellow North Carolinian!

I started out with Kiss in the eighties.