Are Scott and Charlie Really that bad?

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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I Do not know what to think. I mean there has been alot of bashing lately of Charlie and Scott(especiallyScott). I guess being a fan for so long, it hurts to read that kind of stuff.I guess it just goes with the territory. Well I am still a fan and hope this does not paint a negative picture for the band. They have gone through so much already.
Originally posted by one man stands
I Do not know what to think. I mean there has been alot of bashing lately of Charlie and Scott(especiallyScott). I guess being a fan for so long, it hurts to read that kind of stuff.I guess it just goes with the territory. Well I am still a fan and hope this does not paint a negative picture for the band. They have gone through so much already.

I'm new to Anthrax, and I had no idea who Billy Milano was prior to reading the interview, so my 2 cents probably doesn't mean a whole lot to you. But I certainly wouldn't let this guy affect your feelings as a fan. Reading the 20 questions certainly didn't cause me to have a negative picture of Anthrax whatsoever. To a person off the street such as myself, the guy comes off looking like a total and complete moron whose opinions don't seem to be worth a second thought. And yes, I'm really impressed by someone who not only tries to act like he's a WWF wrestler, but decides to TELL everyone that that's what he's doing! Sure, that's a lot better than what he accuses Anthrax of doing - copying "his" attitude....

To make matters worse for him, enter Scott Ian's reply - calm, simply stated, witty, and classy. He looks even more like a pathetic raving lunatic. Billy Milano's 20 questions, read Scott Ian's Scott's diaries on is the one with no charisma?? Could have fooled me....

I have no illusions that the musicians I like are human beings. I'd like to think that they're all nice guys, but it could very well be that some of them are not. But until someone gives me a reason to believe otherwise, I'll assume they're ok people. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. Billy Milano didn't even cause reasonable doubt in the case of Anthrax - the only person who I think looks like an ass is him.
i think the reason why it bothers us so much is because the majority of us have been fans of the band for the better part of our lives. so, it's kinda like it's OUR band... so, to see someone talking so much shit, you can't help but get pissed off and stick up for your boyz.

What I'd like to know is why everyone rips on Scott and Charlie all the time. What about Frank and John? Are they discriminating against people with hair? Oh wait, Charlie has hair. Hmmm. Well, that's the only reason I can think of. They can't be innocent. Let's see some Frank bashing dammit!!! LOLOLOL (Bush got it a couple weeks ago, NOT GOING THERE TONIGHT). Seriously, you'd think Scott and Charlie were the devil incarnate the way SOME people go on about it. I don't get it. Steve's right about our reasons. We may be loyal to the point of psychosis, but we're loyal dammit!!

Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
What I'd like to know is why everyone rips on Scott and Charlie all the time. What about Frank and John? Are they discriminating against people with hair? Oh wait, Charlie has hair. Hmmm. Well, that's the only reason I can think of. They can't be innocent. Let's see some Frank bashing dammit!!! LOLOLOL (Bush got it a couple weeks ago, NOT GOING THERE TONIGHT). Seriously, you'd think Scott and Charlie were the devil incarnate the way SOME people go on about it. I don't get it. Steve's right about our reasons. We may be loyal to the point of psychosis, but we're loyal dammit!!


Hey, I understand loyalty very well! And I understand getting pissed when someone comes along and starts bashing. But the person who started the thread seemed to me a little distressed, like he even maybe put credence into what that guy was saying...and again judging only on the basis of the 20 questions...i wouldn't value that guy's opinion on the weather, much less Anthrax.
SOD could have Timmy from South Park singing and it'd make no difference. SOD should reform with Tom Araya singing. Billy'd love that. Actually I hope SOD dies with this. I'd still like to see SOD comic books and merch but the band should be like the Sex Pistols. Came, saw, played, see ya. Legend intact.
yeah I'm kinda thinking about what you said brat. people get so upset when a band member doesn't give them the attention that they want. think about it every show like 20 people wanting to talk to you and get a picture or an autograph. people you don't know. I think of it as kinda like a nagging mother. you just don't feel like dealing with it all the time. doesn't he write in every once in a while? Alpha mail is a letter to the fans. not to rag on Mr. Bush but he and frank rarely have any input. and johns the front man. and whats wrong with being a fucking rockstar? jesus isn't that everyones fantasy?
well I sleep now
After seeing this shit, I wouldn't be a rock star for all the money in the free world. It ain't worth it!! Fuck!! I'm too easily aggravated to do that kind of shit for a living. I'd be in jail all the damn time. Cause assault is illegal (stupid silly laws). I'm not ragging on Frank and John either, I'm just saying it would be nice to once in a while see something going on that ISN'T all about Scott and Charlie. And for the record, I avoid my mother most of the time too. :D

Actually, that title has nothing to do with my post, but it sounds cool. Scott and Charlie are good people. End of story. Frank, John, and Rob are good people, too. End of that story. The degree to which we as fans have interaction with them on is dictated by their inclination to reveal something of their lives online. The internet is relatively new and unusual for rock and roll: it gives us frequent, direct, and often times personal connections with our favorite bands. But let's not forget, that's a privilege, not a right. I'm not speaking for anybody in particular, but perhaps some people are more comfortable with online interaction, while others like to keep certain things private. Hell, I'm sure if I was a famous rocker, I'd be a little taken aback if someone came up to me at a show and said, "Tell me about that speech on KISS you gave in the 7th grade." There is a lot of personal information out there, so it is only natural that as a member of a world famous band a person would want to keep something for themselves.
No idea if anyone at all will read this, concidering its going to be so far down on the page. I talk to Billy Milano a lot, and I have met all of these guys on may occasions. Anthrax is my favorite band, always has been. SOD fucking rocks. Honestly, to whoever said Timmy could do it and it wouldn't matter, Scott has on many occasions said that if it weren't for Billy, SOD would have been nothing. Not discrediting your opinion, I just feel differently. Anyway, I mean, I love Nevermore, Billy punched Warrel (singer) in the face, and his face was so screwed up he couldn't sing for a while. What I get out of that is just that isn't much. I mean, whatever these people want to do they do. Billy is just upset because SOD is honeslty a big part of Anthrax, and Scott and Charlie who happen to be members of that band seem to not give any credit to SOD. They wanted to leave SOD off of the VH1 Behind the Music because they wanted it to be about Anthrax. I understand this, but I also understand Billy's side for feeling hurt, of course his attitude won't let you see it that way. I love these guys, I love em all! I wish they were all friends, but I can't do anything about that. Charlie inspired me to start playing the drums about 8 years ago, and that is a huge compliment to the man. Billy bashes him talking to me all the time, and I was hurt because Charlie is my friggin idol, but I understand that Billy is just angry. Its just like when your two friends get into a fight, you hate to see it, but you also have to let some of yourself go, and allow them to get everything out. Sorry this is so long, but knowing the parties involved I feel I have something to bring to this discussion. Billy has no bad feelings towards John or Frank at all, so thats why he doesn't bash them. He doesn't like that they continue to allow Scott and Charlie just dictate the Anthrax direction. Whatever! In my opinion, the 3 times I got my picture taken with scott, he sat there looking all bored, and while he was a cool guy, he seemed to not really care about me as a fan. I get that he can do that, its his right, I just feel that when I buy all of their records, own everything, bring everything from all the videos, the DVD, the cassettes, the CD's.. I love this band more than I love my own family. I am the biggest supporter on the planet, but when Scott wasn't really nice, while the rest of the band was it didn't phase me. (Charlie was REALLY nice spoke to him for hours about how he is the man, and I wouldn't be a drummer without him, and that is a more important gift than anyone else has ever given me) I just assume Scott was having bad days. Cool with me. I still love the guy, and I always will. Thats just my take, I think they have to care care of this out of the public eye, but I still think they all rule, and they can hate eachother all they want, I still love them. Again, sorry for the length if you did manage to get to this point.
Necro: yeah scott may be that way you know? some people just aren't cool with you until they get to know you. also it was said that Anthrax had no control over what was put on BTM. And I believe that. hell think of rikki rackman or however you spell his name. he never got ANY control over Headbangers Ball and he was the host. VH1 is deffinately cooler than MTV though. Ever watch VH1 classic? thats some good stuff. well sometimes..... any way its better more of the time than MTV. yeah.. and about frank and john.. well sometimes the whole band doesn't decide the direction. I mean look at dream theater Rarely do you see james labrie given credit for a song. it's usually portnoy and petrucci., yet they've gone through two keyboardists because they didn't agree on direction and they both put more into the writing than labrie did. yet labrie still makes up a MAJOR fucking part of DT if he left it deffinately wouldn't be the same. it would be liquid tension experiment :) . Truthfully if I could pick who I would want my drinking buddy to be it would be John. He seems like such a great guy. and happy. well I guess we would ave to invite frank along too.
yeah anyway
Well to tell the truth, Scott and Charlie might be the biggest dickheads and pussies on the face of Earth and I dont fuccking care, because I don´t want to have sex, children and neverending life relationship with them. I am a boy, though. What I want from them is to make kick ass music and they do. What am I to care if they were assholes? I know they are not. I talked to Bush, Scott and Charlie when they were in my hometown. Bush was the coolest, Charlie as well.