Are there any bands you want to work with?


Apr 14, 2001
Just wondering if theres any bands that you would like to do work for? Or has there been an album you have heard that you wish you were able to do the art/design for? (Old or new album, it doesnt really matter)
Personally I think you could really do a *killer* Slayer cover and for some reason, I think you would do a really great pink floyd album cover!

I swear if you say Limp Bizkit or Christine Aguilera im not going to think its funny :lol: :D
I think you'd do a killer Maiden cover, too - I've been praying for years that they'd get McKean to do one, but your stuff is even better :)
Originally posted by Mark
I think you'd do a killer Maiden cover, too - I've been praying for years that they'd get McKean to do one, but your stuff is even better :)

You know what Mark? You are right! A maiden cover would be awesome as well! Ok, so its Maiden AND slayer now (God slayer would be so good...... especially judging by the new testament cover you did, which could almost be a slayerish one!)
Nah! A madien cover???really???
I think maiden covers are so in one vain that can't be done in other. i.e. The X Factor one, which is the only different and it's quite "outgone" from the rest. I think Riggs has one style that doesn't fit too much with Travis'. I prefer much more Travis' of course and doin' a Maiden cover would be really strange, for him and for Maiden...I suppose...
Originally posted by FatherVic
Nah! A madien cover???really???
I think maiden covers are so in one vain that can't be done in other. i.e. The X Factor one, which is the only different and it's quite "outgone" from the rest. I think Riggs has one style that doesn't fit too much with Travis'. I prefer much more Travis' of course and doin' a Maiden cover would be really strange, for him and for Maiden...I suppose...

Ahh but it COULD be done and done well if you find the right "angle" to do the design from. :D
I think Maiden need a very different cover style now, I haven't liked much of their recent stuff at all. Would Travis be the right guy for the job? I'm sure he could come up with something.

ahahhaaha well Maiden doesn't need a different cover style, what they need is a) retire b) do something different.
Travis would probably do the best Maiden cover but if they doesn't do something with the music, the cover would be lifeless!
It's funny you should ask this now. Someone asked me this in January
and you know what i told them? Right off the bat i said ANATHEMA and DEVIN TOWNSEND. isn't it funny how things work out? considering the
fact that i was priviledged enough to work with them, along with Opeth
and Katatonia, as well as King D and others this year alone makes this a
very hard question to answer right now. But yes, still many i'd like to work with. Tori Amos and Porcupine Tree as well as a few others for sure.
another answer would be, i want to work with all the guys above again next time too!.

And there are some bands i'd like to work with but when i think about it
they might be better off without me as they've already got a good thing going, as i don't think i am right for everyone. Maiden is an example of this.
I think i've addressed this one before in an interview. I'm not sure i would be right for Maiden, for a few different reasons that i'm too tired to get into right now, as much as I appreciate the fact that you think i could do the legacy justice. Slayer, on the other hand i'd love to do, but hqave you seen their new one? that's killer. they need to stick with that guy. HAHAH. Another example is
I'd love to do a Napalm Death cover but i think they are better off with Mid, who also rules.

There are a lot of cds i listen to that inspire ideas and then i find myself wishing i had done the cover. but i can't think of them right off hand. and
a lot of times, the covers they already have are better than what i think of, sometimes not, but mostly.

But yeah, there are lots of bands that inspire me, and still a lot of
bands i love that i havent worked with. Dream Theater would be cool. Fates Warning. The Gathering. The Haunted. Soilwork. but at the same time, i
don't wanna over-saturate the cover market either.

Pink Floyd would be an awesome gig, but, really, how do you step into Storm's shoes and do a better job than that guy?

I'm sure i'll think of alot more later so i'll come back to this


NP: Soilwork: The Chainheart Machine
I would love to see you do some work for Tori Amos! Just thinking of it, a million possibilities run through my head :eek:
Yep, Ive seen the new slayer cover and you are right, its awesome :) Not something my mum would be terribly happy with, but thats probably the whole idea...besides, she prefers to live in ignorance of what I listen to, which is good for all concerned.
They could have made the nails look a bit better as I didnt even realise they were in a pentagram shape until I read it on a website, but otherwise its cool! (I guess I really should have realised about the IS slayer after all.....!)

About not being right for maiden, I disagree, only because your work is pretty versatile and if you actually sat down and went "ok im doing the new maiden cover" and did some ideas/sketches or whatever im sure you could come up with something half decent :)

On a semi related note, did you hear Toris version of raining blood? I couldnt understand a bloody word she said! Wierd is the nicest way I can put it :)
oohh!!! yeahhhhhhhh! Dreaaaaaaam Theaaaaaaaateeeeerrrrrrrr that would be really cool....
the next album will be a double cd. The first cd with 5 songs and the second with one 45 min song :p
Originally posted by Seems like Trav
yeah i have the cd. brilliant. i think weird is the whole point.
she's definitely one unto herself and only for those who "get" her.

I know someone else who is a REALLY huge fan of hers, and he says the same thing actually, I keep meaning to try and be open minded and actually give her stuff a proper listen, but slayer, iced earth and co. keep calling me from the background and they always win :)
Spiral Architect.

...You could work wonders with the spiral concept. It's a pity that Cloud Constructor has already been used, that could have led to some awesome cover-work ideas...

I think CYNIC should regroup, just so Travis can do some art for them. ha ha.
I'm sure Travis could do something The Gathering.

I'd like to see him try something for Blaze too. So far we've only seen the stuff for Silicon Messiah. I think Trav could do something more organic(?) than that and end up with something good. Maybe he should get in touch with TM:D
the new Lake Of Tears would be an amazing stuff to try out. As far as I know they doesn't have anything yet...
do you like that kind of music??????
Originally posted by Diamond Dave
I'm sure Travis could do something The Gathering.

I'd like to see him try something for Blaze too. So far we've only seen the stuff for Silicon Messiah. I think Trav could do something more organic(?) than that and end up with something good. Maybe he should get in touch with TM:D

Blaze rocks! :headbang:
Lake of Tears?
I hold the crimson cosmos album in very high regard.
but for whatever reason the one after didn't capture me like that one did.
very good band. i thought they disbanded? no?

I think they'd be fun to work with.

Another guy i forgot to mention whom i idolize is Dan Swano.