Are we ready?

The problem isn't that you felt like an idiot, it's that you were sober enough to calculate the price per litre in the first place and remember it one year later!!! :p
3 chips instead of 1 chip for 0.5 litres of beer, whereas 3 of those small toy glasses would be 3 * 0.2 = 0.6 litres for the same money. You don't have to be Einstein to find the best solution to maximize your alcohol consumption for a given amount of money. That's a good example for the importance of basic mathematics in everyday life. :goggly:
I have to admit that I have never purchased beer at the venue since my gentlemanly boyfriend buys the drinks :blush: So there is a 100mL benefit to drinking the small glasses. Huh! Who knew?? :D
Lazyness sometimes overcomes economic sense though :P Having to do less trips to the bar might well be worth the 100ml that'll pass through your system in a heartbeat anyways :P
Large ones was in the basement, right?

We'll probably spend our time upstairs this year...

But who cares, small ones is kinda better to hold on.. and carry several of.

There's no trays for the large ones.
I ask myself what you are complaining about. A small one costs only € 1,40 @ Sjiwa and 0,4 liters € 2,80. Tell me a place in Holland or Germany were the beer is cheaper at a festival??
Looks like we're all ready for a great and special weekend, but it will be different this year tho.......



....they will be missed :cry:

I ask myself what you are complaining about. A small one costs only € 1,40 @ Sjiwa and 0,4 liters € 2,80. Tell me a place in Holland or Germany were the beer is cheaper at a festival??

I like those prices:kickass:

At my local pub where i go see football on Saturday afternoons a beer is just over 7 Euros...:goggly:
I ask myself what you are complaining about. A small one costs only € 1,40 @ Sjiwa and 0,4 liters € 2,80. Tell me a place in Holland or Germany were the beer is cheaper at a festival??
No problem for Germany. :cool:

Among the small festivals, there is (among many others) the Dong Open Air, just a few kilometers east of Baarlo on the German side of the border. 2000 people, a bit focussed on Folk/Pagan Metal. 0.5 litres of beer for 1.5 EUR.

But cheap beer prices cannot only be found at small festivals (where they are common), but also for a relatively big one which I like very much. PartySan Open Air (Bad Berka, Thuringia, 10000 people, Death/Black/Thrash/Grindcore): 2.5 EUR for 0.4 litres of (very good!) beer.