Are YOU a Hardcore CoB fan?

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Yeah mothatruckas 666666777666 im so mf H4rdc0r3 COB Fan. I have my own h4t3 cr3w_6667 at myspace and i can say fuck 3 times und u know twice in one sentence. i tried to have the same hair like alexi! i also kiss with my friends in school. furthermore i put an wildchild sticker on my keys. and i wankin when you can see mofu 4l3x1 in cry.

In Germany u call this something like "penis length conversion". maybe u should better shutdown your computer and go back to kindergarten.
Are YOU a Hardcore CoB fan?
Let's see...

I'm a drunk like Roope, a pissed-off retarded midget like Allu, a bass player like Henkka.

Oh fuck, that was similiarities.

Well, I enjoy COB's music because while being slightly cheesy at times, it's still powerful and inspiring to me.

LOLs @ this thread!

Ok, let's see....i'm the fucking most hardcore COB fan here. I fucking listening to fucking COB all fucking day long. I fucking memorize all their fucking lyrics and know every detail about them. But if i don't, then i make some things up and post it at Wikipedia making everyone else believe it too. Oh yeah, and i love saying fuck fuck fuckuty fuck. Every night i fuck Missssster Laiho and after he leaves i keep his spirit alive by wearing a blond wig, drawing his tatoos onto me and flipping people off in the strreet for no particular reason. When the day comes to an end, i re-carve Alexi's name and COBHC onto my fingers and alexi sucks the blood listening to Bed of Razors.

Hardcore enough for ya?
LOLs @ this thread!

Ok, let's see....i'm the fucking most hardcore COB fan here. I fucking listening to fucking COB all fucking day long. I fucking memorize all their fucking lyrics and know every detail about them. But if i don't, then i make some things up and post it at Wikipedia making everyone else believe it too. Oh yeah, and i love saying fuck fuck fuckuty fuck. Every night i fuck Missssster Laiho and after he leaves i keep his spirit alive by wearing a blond wig, drawing his tatoos onto me and flipping people off in the strreet for no particular reason. When the day comes to an end, i re-carve Alexi's name and COBHC onto my fingers and alexi sucks the blood listening to Bed of Razors.

Hardcore enough for ya?

absofuckinglutely amazing!!!!
I'm just fucking amazed how the new fans of COB love engaging in faggotry. What a damn shame this thread is. And the sad thing is that they're listeners of heavy metal, and I mean quality heavy metal too. Like Nile or whatever, I mean, the good stuff.

Which just proves you can be a fucking pussy and still listen to metal. I think this is all myspace's fault.
:lol: you're right about the myspace thing. even in these "metal" forums you get kids posting pictures constantly in the way that myspace has popularized picture taking...aka the emo angle of self-taken pics. i'd say half the ppl on this board are just conforming teens who think its "hardcore" to be metal...even when they prove to be emo on the inside. what a paradox.
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