N00b CoB fan wanting to get a Cob cd.

Spydaman_69_2001 said:
Hey guys,

I got into Children of Bodem and decided that I want to get an album of theirs. Which one would be appropriate for a n00b CoB fan to get first?


well if you say that "you got into CoB" just find out what album most of your current favorite songs are on and get that one! :)
Id say Hatebreeder because thats probably where most songs you heard came from.

from there buy, in order, SW, FR, and HCDR about a month apart from each other. that way you can listen to the album over and over for a month so you can get a sence of how theyve progressed.

ive found that some people will listen to Something Wild (and albums of a similar nature from other bands) and put it aside because its not as "catchy" as the other albums but go back to it eventually and realize how great it really is.